Hey everyone, I've started working on Pillow, but ran into an issue trying to find an HPy equivalent for PyModuleInit_HEAD_INIT. Using HPyModuleDef instead of PyModuleDef works fine, but then PyModuleInit_HEAD_INIT doesn't work anymore.
Do you mean including PyModule_HEAD_INIT? What for is it used?
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antocuni: 🎉
steve_s: Sorry, I meant PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT - the line in question is line 4246 of https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/blob/main/src/_imaging.c . As far as I can tell, it is used as a field in creating a struct for defining the Imaging module
DuToitSpies: that's not needed in HPy
you just need to define your HPyModuleDef with the required fields
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antocuni: Thanks!
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