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<purdeaandrei[m]> Is there a test suite I can run?
<purdeaandrei[m]> what's the normal startup state of the leds.
<purdeaandrei[m]> s/./?/
<purdeaandrei[m]> The unevenness of their brightness worries me that I did something wrong.
<purdeaandrei[m]> the pink and blue user leds especially
<purdeaandrei[m]> after doing the factory flashing steps it is recognized ( https://glasgow-embedded.org/latest/build.html )
<purdeaandrei[m]> the 3.3V, 5V, 1.2V test points are all okay
<purdeaandrei[m]> The voltages I set in the command line tool are correctly reflected on the V pins
<purdeaandrei[m]> * something wrong. (the picture has bad exposure intentionally so the LED brightness difference is visible)
<purdeaandrei[m]> If I run the example glasgow run uart -V 3.3 --pin-tx 0 --pin-rx 1 -b 57600 tty, with nothing attached, I get frame or parity errors
<purdeaandrei[m]> If I add --pulls I don't get the errors anymore
<tpw_rules> sounds like everything is working
<tpw_rules> there is a self test applet but i seem to recall being told it doesn't really function properly
<purdeaandrei[m]> I suspect the example applets I tried don't use the user leds ?
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<purdeaandrei[m]> in that case are they all supposed to be always on?
<tpw_rules> i'm not sure i've seen them be used
<tpw_rules> i think so
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<purdeaandrei[m]> not sure what happened, but as I was measuring around the led current limiting resistors, the blue leds just equalized, that is: the brighter one got dimmer
<purdeaandrei[m]> what's the IO voltage on the leds supposed to be?
<purdeaandrei[m]> I'm measuring around 2.5 volts...
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<Wanda[cis]> I think in the default state the LEDs are just ... undriven and lit by some pullup?
<Wanda[cis]> running selftest applet will light them up fully
<Wanda[cis]> ie. don't worry, fully functional glasgows also do weirdness
<Wanda[cis]> * do weirdness with the LEDs
<purdeaandrei[m]> `glasgow run selftest` turns off all leds for me. Is that what you're referencing?. It also prints `E: g.applet.internal.selftest: mode pins-int is broken on device revision C3`
<Wanda[cis]> oh huh, so it does
<Wanda[cis]> did I misremember this...
<Wanda[cis]> either way, try glasgow run selftest leds
<purdeaandrei[m]> Nice, thanks!
<purdeaandrei[m]> glasgow run selftest voltage fails with Vsense showing as 0
<Wanda[cis]> did you set up the connections?
<purdeaandrei[m]> Oh, I assume you mean I need to do some external connections for that particular self test, I didn't know I had to
<Wanda[cis]> yup
<Wanda[cis]> the help message mentions it
<Wanda[cis]>  * voltage: detect ADC, DAC or LDO faults (on all ports, Vsense and Vio pins must be connected)
<purdeaandrei[m]> that works, thanks!
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<purdeaandrei[m]> status: 3/5 Glasgows working
<purdeaandrei[m]> on the 4th one it's drawing 360 mA
<purdeaandrei[m]> it's the 3.3v regulator
<purdeaandrei[m]> there must be a short...
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<K900> Oh no big red
<purdeaandrei[m]> Looks like I didn't completely check the top sides for shorts for at least two devices
<purdeaandrei[m]> 4th is working after fixing some shorts
<Darius> oops
<Darius> always a good idea to measure the resistance between VCC(s) and ground on a new board IMO
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<tomkeddie[m]> I can remember working with a guy on an fpga board that pulled 100A+ at 0.8v - the resistance looked almost like a short but not quite!
<Darius> ooof
<Darius> special case :)
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<purdeaandrei[m]> Hmm, does the aluminium case require that the LVDS connector not be mounted?
<purdeaandrei[m]> Or does the spacing just insure that it never shorts out?
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<ewenmcneill[m]> AFAIK all the Glasgows so far have shipped with the LVDS connector on. I think there's a just a bit of a cutout in the case below anything that could short (including the LVDS connector) to avoid problems. Plus the case is anodized which reduces the risk further.
<ewenmcneill[m]> (IIRC only the sharp/long through hole pins on either the e-stop or the sync connector -- I forget which -- were seen as a risk of actually touching the case. And a couple of people hand trimmed the pins after soldering to avoid them sticking down further than anything else.)
<purdeaandrei[m]> That must have been the sync connector then. The button pins doen't stick out at all.
<purdeaandrei[m]> Btw does the metal case design assume 1.6mm thick pcb?
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<ewenmcneill[m]> That makes sense it's the sync connector. From memory it was only an issue if the PCB flexed, as the sync connector is in the middle of an edge and thus can flex a tiny bit more. (No idea if the case assumes a 1.6mm thick PCB. That might be a question for Esden.)
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<nemanjan00[m]> Talking about cases.... Any update? 😄
<_whitenotifier-3> [glasgow] neuschaefer synchronize pull request #506: applet.interface.spi_serprog: New applet that implements the Flashrom Serprog protocol - https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow/pull/506
<_whitenotifier-3> [glasgow] neuschaefer reviewed pull request #506 commit - https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow/pull/506#discussion_r1443871757
<_whitenotifier> [glasgow] neuschaefer reviewed pull request #506 commit - https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow/pull/506#discussion_r1443871775
<_whitenotifier> [glasgow] neuschaefer reviewed pull request #506 commit - https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow/pull/506#discussion_r1443871788
<_whitenotifier-3> [glasgow] neuschaefer reviewed pull request #506 commit - https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow/pull/506#discussion_r1443871798
<_whitenotifier> [glasgow] whitequark reviewed pull request #506 commit - https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow/pull/506#discussion_r1443871887
<_whitenotifier> [glasgow] neuschaefer synchronize pull request #506: applet.interface.spi_serprog: New applet that implements the Flashrom Serprog protocol - https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow/pull/506
<_whitenotifier> [glasgow] neuschaefer synchronize pull request #506: applet.interface.spi_serprog: New applet that implements the Flashrom Serprog protocol - https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow/pull/506
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