[glasgow] VioletEternity opened issue #304: Synthesis for applets fails with YoWASP with: ERROR: Assert `ofs.is_open()' failed in ../yosys-src/passes/techmap/abc9_ops.cc:950. - https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow/issues/304
i wonder what the hell goes wrong there
why does abc crash
<gatecat> it's not abc crashing afaik but the yosys abc integration
ohhh yeah
<gatecat> something going wrong with temporary directory creation ig
oh, yowasp stopped mounting those
<gatecat> the abc9 path should be preparing a temporary directory to put the various stuff abc needs into and I guess this is the first time it tries to open a file there
[glasgow] whitequark closed issue #304: Synthesis for applets fails with YoWASP with: ERROR: Assert `ofs.is_open()' failed in ../yosys-src/passes/techmap/abc9_ops.cc:950. - https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow/issues/304
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hey, I am trying to dump the firmware of a HD6473388CP10, which AFAICT needs to be put in PROM mode, by setting D0 and D1 to high, and then it can be read like a normal PROM (they say it's compatible with a HN27C256H)
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I made the following changes, to implement this (just playing with it for now, not code to submit), but I'd just like for someone to double check it's correct, as I don't have much experience writing applets https://paste.xinu.at/Zw8I6P/
right now I'm running on 5.5V, instead of 6V, and I only zeros, so I wanted to confirm my patch is correct, and that the issue comes from somewhere else, the voltage probably