dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.17.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<sewn> is there a specific channel about fcft or dnkl's other projects? or is this the general 'hub' for them?
<sewn> would like to ask if fcft can look into pixman's glyph system
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<Guest65> Hi, can anyone point me towards how to configure a shortcut to close the foot terminal window? Basically I would like to change the functionality of Strg+D to a different shortcut
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<dnkl> Guest65: configure a shortcut in your compositor to close the window
<dnkl> sewn: fcft doesn't (yet) have a channel. The other projects do
<sewn> the author of wlr-randr and kanshi uses a channel named after himself for his projects, maybe you could do the same?
<sewn> (he has a bunch of cool projects)
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<dnkl> yeah, might be a good idea. Doesn't happen that much in the other channels...
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<dnkl> there - #dnkl
<sewn> #foot remains
<dnkl> of course. lots of people here, and quite a lot of discussions from time to time. This channel's not going anywhere
<sewn> fair enough
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