dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.16.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<j`ey> should fuzzel show the icons immediately? it only seems to show up when I start typing
<j`ey> also I have a libpng.wrap but get "PNG icons : none"
<j`ey> oh hm, I have png-backend=no on my meson build line
<dnkl> j`ey: yeah, icons should show up more or less immediately
<j`ey> by icons I meant the big one, not the one next to the name
<j`ey> hm htop icon shows up, but not chromium, maybe it doesnt have one of the right size
<j`ey> icon.c:686: chromium-browser: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/chromium-browser.png (fallback)
<dnkl> j`ey: only SVG's are supported for the big icon (to simplify scaling). It shows up when there's "enough" space available (which is configurable)
<j`ey> aw ok, I didnt see that bit in the code
<j`ey> dnkl: can you point out some parts of the code for that?
<j`ey> (the check for space)
<j`ey> other option is to try find a chromium svg
<j`ey> thanks
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<antithesis__> foota
<antithesis__> hello can I get pix of loli feet?
<antithesis__> alexherbo2 w0wzers you are so l33t for using Exherbo. I have never met such an person.
<antithesis__> andrea show me ur feet
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