dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.16.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<init> Lord, imagine foot but with the ability to set afterglow on text!
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<tkna> init: Do you want a blur effect?
<tkna> I have never used it, but I wonder if swayfx can do it? https://github.com/WillPower3309/swayfx
<WhyNotHugo> When using an input method (fcitx), if I scroll up a bit and start typing, foot won't scroll to the bottom as it does when not-using input method.
<WhyNotHugo> If I scroll down, the input method popup is down there.
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<init> tkna, not really
<init> I want a terminal that actually takes advantage of the GPU's graphics capabilities to make my text GLOW
<init> even pulse, whatever I want
<tkna> init: Why not with that app? In any case, I personally think that feature is a very different direction than foot
<init> that app can make my text glow?
<init> in my terminal?
<Lord> why don't you want to use cool retro term. It's exactly what you are looking for…
<Lord> it's a perfectly functionnal term (backed by the lib used by konsole)
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<init> Lord, why don't you use it
<init> and tell me
<init> it takes a minute just to close
<init> I want a modern terminal experience
<init> not a toy project
<init> I should just learn to build it myself
<Lord> because i don't want glowing text
<Lord> it's beautiful on a screenshot but clearly i don't want blurry text
<Lord> staring at this for hours will just destroy my brain
<init> perhaps there is a balance
<init> and sane defaults that wouldn't do that
<init> or perhaps just in the prompt?
<init> by the way I am not saying this should be included in foot
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