dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.14.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<alexander> Hi, I installed foot today but I seem to be having a weird issue whenever I trigger the visual bell(flash) in vim. As you can see in this gif(https://stekelenburg.me/flash.gif) it results in a permanent yellow haze that only goes away after closing foot. If I trigger the flash again it moves the yellow overlay to wherever I moved the window. Does anyone have any idea if this is a bug or something I can fix on my end?
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<zen_desu> is there some way to make foot reload the config while in server mode?
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<Arnavion> alexander: foot creates the yellow overlay in response to the sequence emitted by `tput flash`. But also it will delete the overlay after 50ms. If for some reason the overlay is not deleted then you will get the behavior you see. So the question is why the 50s timer does not fire in your case
<Arnavion> s/50s/50ms/
<alexander> Yeah that's what I expected from taking a quick look at the code, I haven't bothered getting everything set up to manually compile foot though so I don't think I can see the relevant debug output
<Arnavion> strace and error logs will be sufficient
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<alexander> Arnavion: I just ran it with strace it sets the timer and reads from the file descriptor once (showing "\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0") every time I tput flash I'm not sure what other syscalls I should look at.
<Arnavion> Yes, so the timer works correctly and it's a render-level problem
<Arnavion> You can check with WAYLAND_DEBUG=client whether the overlay surface is unmapped or not (`render_overlay` in render.c)
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<alexander> Hmm, I do see a wl_surface_attach(nil,0,0) on what I believe to be the the overlay surface (considering the other calls for that surface match the code), I've never looked at this sort of code before but I would assume that's the unmapping of the surface that you mean.
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<zen_desu> is the only way to reload the foot server config to start a new session?
<zen_desu> i mean if i want to change some setting, do i really need to kill the old server and start a new one? or is there some better way
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