but doesn't provide unwanted focus stealing prevention, e.g. every time a BEL is seen the keyboard focus changes to the terminal. using a notification instead requires a further click on the notification whenever the user actually wants to switch the focus (or it can be ignored completely)
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dnkl: any chance to get something like this merged? Obviously would require to actually define a OSC for that, or maybe reuse 777;activate;xdg_token
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Consolatis: its not foot stealing your focus, probably your window manager
s/window manager/compositor/
right, because the compositor is not implementing focus-stealing prevention. and if it does, foot is unable to activate itself. the patch above fixes that by allowing a notification to active foot on those compositors
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how do you make it that a BEL puts foot to the front
i dont see it in the manpage
foot -obell.urgent=yes + a compositor that implements the xdg-activation protocol and doesn't do further checks on the activation request (which for some reason is also used for setting a urgent state). Sway used to do that, apparently it can now be configured (focus_on_window_activation).
what I am after is to allow foot getting focus when supplied with a valid xdg activation token (which can for example be received via click on a notification from a notification daemon which implements the xdg-activation protocol, mako as example)
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