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Hello! I'm setting up foot with sway, and I'm trying to have every instance of foot open with an automatic neofetch. I see from the man page that I can run foot --hold neofetch, but when I do that the terminal isn't able to do anything but display neofetch. Most other emulators I can just put "neofetch" into the config file and it'll autorun, but foot seems different. Would anyone mind pointing me in the right direction? Thanks
Quill: it's able to do something other than only displaying neofetch, you're simply instructing it not to
the terminal runs a single child process, usually a shell
if you want to show neofetch output and then have a functioning shell, you should start neofetch via the shell
Is there a way I can have the shell automatically output neofetch when it's started?
Quill: if you want it to always do that, the most obvious way would be to add it to the shell rc file
for example: echo neofetch >> ~/.bashrc
Okay, thank you. I'm on alpine linux, which I don't think uses bash, so I'll look around for equivalents. Thanks
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