dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.10.3 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<Nuc1eoN> Hi guys how to I set themes in foot? I know I can edit the colors manually in foot.ini, but there is also the themes folder
<Nuc1eoN> How can I select a theme fromt the themes folder?
<Nuc1eoN> Or do I just copy the contents of e.g. https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/src/branch/master/themes/apprentice to foot.ini ?
<Arnavion> `include` (see the manual)
<Nuc1eoN> thank
<Nuc1eoN> *s
<Nuc1eoN> Although I have just used theme.sh now :)
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<Nuc1eoN> Coming from urxvt I liked that if I resize my terminal, the content reflows. Is that possible with foot?
<dnkl> Nuc1eoN: yes, foot reflows the contents (on the "normal" screen, but the alt screen)
<Nuc1eoN> Could you clarify, how I enable this feature?
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<Nuc1eoN> Im in mobile rn, but reading through the readme I see that I can declare a fallback font? Do I understand correctly that I can use my favorite bitmap font, and set nerd-font patched font as a fallback? So that the missing nerd glyphs will be taken by the secondary font? If I understood this correctly that would be great 😅
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<novakane> Nuc1eoN: you understand correctly
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<Nuc1eoN> That's amazing
<novakane> yeah foot is amazing :D
<Nuc1eoN> Honestly I did not expect that. I thought foot is just another terminal but specialized for wayland or whatever. But it just looks like the main dev really knows what he is doing. There's also few people who really understand font handling.
<Nuc1eoN> (I still would like to know how I set the terminal to reflow though, I did not quite get it yet)
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<dnkl> Nuc1eoN: reflow isn't something you enable/disable - it's always on
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