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<aaabbb> was this a dream or did i read something on the mailing list a while ago about the possibility of a lossy feature in a future ffv1 for use as an intermediate codec?
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<Lynne> I have a very faint memory of that, but as someone who's written a complete encode and decode implementation, its possible, but I wouldn't advise it
<Lynne> the range coder is slow and rather hacky
<aaabbb> but fast enough to encode and decode in real time
<Lynne> yeah, no, it wouldnl't be fast enough even if you cut down the number of bits coded by half
<Lynne> in software, anyway
<Lynne> for mezzanine codecs, you really want some frequency decomposition so you can play around with the spectrum and push the error out in less visible parts
<aaabbb> it encodes at 1.5x on my laptop for 720p
<aaabbb> and only a little under 1 at 1080p and my laptop sucks
<Lynne> not fast enough for the 4k era today
<aaabbb> hmm
<aaabbb> it's just that there are no mezzanine codecs in ffmpeg that are any good i thought. like the prores encoder is really basic and nothing compared to apple's native
<fflogger> [editedticket] Balling: Ticket #10732 ([undetermined] avcodec_flush_buffers() not resetting E-AC-3 decoder) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/10732#comment:7
<Compn> if?
<Compn> heh
<Compn> Lynne, you going to do prores in vulkan ? :D
<Compn> need to troll apple some more
<Compn> mr 4 trillion dollar company
<Compn> whines about ffmpeg https://support.apple.com/en-us/118584
<nevcairiel> apple will always whine about any software they dont fully control
<JEEB> also that by now is a quite an old page
<JEEB> plus they go as far as saying "might", instead of "will"
<JEEB> (this is the "licensed and unlicensed prores implementations" page)
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<Lynne> aaabbb: vc2_vulkan is quite good, and will be merged soon I hope
<Lynne> its exactly what you want - very fast, can be lossless, its got better quality than prores if you give it more bits because wavelets are inherently lapped and need no filter
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<aaabbb> how does it compare to prores at the same bitrate?
<Lynne> depends on the slice size
<Lynne> in general it ought to be better at the typical slice sizes of 32x32 and up
<aaabbb> oh cool as long as it's not significantly worse
<aaabbb> if it's a mezzanine then obviously i'm not looking for stunningly good compression for a given bitrate :)
<JEEB> I recall like 10-15 years ago people tested H.264 as an intermediate format and GOP up to 3 frames worked fine
<JEEB> if I had to have a fast decode'able format for intermediates, I'd probably just utilize a low enough CRF :P esp. if the editor has something like mainconcept's decoder licensed, which means you get 10bit and 4:2:2 and all.
<Lynne> panasonic/sony's professional cinema cameras still use that from of h264 422 as the main raw format
<Lynne> its awful, why would you ever buy one when you can get a blackmagic's cameras which give you true raw bayer with mild compression
<JEEB> they also now reuse that naming for their HEVC thing
<fflogger> [newticket] ffvii: Ticket #11378 ([ffmpeg] ffmpeg can't detect nested m3u8 for subtitles) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11378
<JEEB> also the all intra mode was high enough bit rate at least in the recent stuff for sony. although yes, if you can take full res/no subsampling then capturing through the capture interface on cameras is usually better
<JEEB> I do wonder how subsampled the HDMI raw data output is in f.ex. panasonic GH6, where they advertise cinema 4K at 120/1.001fps and 12bit.
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<fflogger> [editedticket] Balling: Ticket #11188 ([tools] ffmpeg_opt.c correct_input_start_times(void) calculates wrong ts_offset) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11188#comment:8
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<fflogger> [editedticket] bbittorf: Ticket #7762 ([avformat] extracting subtitle stream fails) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/7762#comment:7
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<fflogger> [editedticket] eram: Ticket #11377 ([undetermined] [vist#0:0/av1 @ 0x12c607650] [dec:libdav1d @ 0x12c6085e0] Task finished with error code: -558323010 (Internal bug, should not have happened)) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11377#comment:4
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<jamrial> BBB: http://pastie.org/p/6ebmtjAag7IVk9MZwuW9OM this seems to fix decoding with >1 threads the file from #11377
<jamrial> that sample also has a lot of metadata obus of type 6, which is one of the "user unregistered", and libdav1d prints a lot of warnings about it
<jamrial> maye it should not for types 6 to 31
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<Traneptora> Masaru Nomiya <nomiya@lake.dti.ne.jp> seems to be giving AI answers on ffmpeg-user email list
<Traneptora> they have done it twice now, can we block them?
<jamrial> ai, or machine translation?
<Traneptora> jamrial: looks AI generated. starts with a preamble and gives a nonsensical answer
<Traneptora> check the answer about non-monotonic DTS. also check the answer about pkg-config libass (the person clearly didn't look at the log file that was posted)
<ePirat> Traneptora, do you hav a link to the pkg-config one?
<ePirat> I did not see it in my inbox
<Traneptora> libass
<ePirat> yeah, did not get these at all…
<ePirat> I love mailing lists…
<ePirat> Traneptora, yeah this does look very much AI generated…
<Traneptora> ye, maybe instead of blocking them give them a warning that if they keep doing it they'll be banned from the list
<Marth64> wow good eye
<BtbN> One thing that confuses me a bit right now in the ML discussion is that it's somewhat painted like michael is blocking a migration to Forgejo/Gitlab. Which from my perspective is not the case at all.
<BtbN> It was one of the first things I discussed with him on how to practically implement when I got root access, and I feel like we got to a good result, that kinda just needs implemented now.
<jamrial> then i'm even more confused than i thought
<j-b> Could we just stop and have a break for a few days?
<j-b> This is more than tiring.
<BtbN> Talking about "AI" nonsense. I just watched a video about speedrun cheating the other day, where someone asked ChatGPT on how to identify a cheater by audio spectrum analysis.
<BtbN> A short time later, he falsely accused someone of cheating
<Traneptora> Marth64: wasn't my eye, one of the first responses to the DTS question was "please don't use AI answers"
<j-b> BtbN: AI is amazing on things. And catastrophic on others.
<j-b> BtbN: but people don't know how to use it.
<BtbN> What was crazy about it was that first he just directly asked ChatGPT "Yo, is this dude cheating? Here's a picture of the audio spectrum."
<BtbN> And ChatGPT confidently explained why he is clearly cheating. But apparently even the dude doing that realized THAT is nonsense, given it said that about every sample he gave it.
<j-b> BtbN: have you asked ChatGPT if you were a minister from your country ?
<BtbN> I have so far only used ChatGPT as Google
<BtbN> And it has failed most of the time
<j-b> because it's useless for that.
<BtbN> And failed in such a way that it wasted a lot of my time, to figure out if what it just said makes any sense at all
<BtbN> Would have been faster to just research myself
<JEEB> with the bing edition that includes interwebs, it actually once found a github repo of interest for me
<j-b> I use it quite often, and it is amazing for some tasks.
<BtbN> I asked it how to fix Japanese YT subtitles to use Chinese characters instead of Japanese
<BtbN> It gave me 6 answers. All wrong.
<BtbN> Took me an hour to come to that conclusion
<BtbN> correct answer was not hard to find in google and quick to do
<ePirat> jamrial, can I somehow convert a mp4 with iamf to a "pure" .iamf file?
<JEEB> font locales are fun
<JEEB> or well, font rendering based on it
<jamrial> ePirat: yeah, just remux it
<BtbN> What I don't understand is... WHY are those clearly different characters the same Unicode codepoint?!
<ePirat> jamrial, doesnt work
<ePirat> jamrial, I just get [iamf @ 0x617000012d80] There must be at least two stream groups
<ePirat> [out#0/iamf @ 0x611000007700] Could not write header (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argument
<JEEB> BtbN: back in ye olden days there was this whole thing about han unification...
<jamrial> ePirat: it's not automatic. you need to either define stream groups manually, or map the ones from the input for the output
<BtbN> 直 is just a completely different character, depending on the font in use
<jamrial> see the fate tests
<BtbN> If it has an "L" shape in the bottom/left, it's Japanese. If not, it's Chinese.
<JEEB> so if the meaning/symbol behind it was matching, they considered it a rendering thing to figure out which locale's edition to utilize
<JEEB> simplified vs traditional etc
<BtbN> Fun stuff
<JEEB> but yes, it effectively means that to render CJK unicode you *need* to not only know the text coding, but also the locale
<BtbN> Every column is the same codepoint
<BtbN> The fix for both Firefox and Android is to add Japanese to the list of preferred languages. Just has to be in there/above chinese
<BtbN> kinda sucks if you use both japanese and chinese I guess
<JEEB> I think if you actually specify the language in the markup it will pick the right one
<BtbN> Yeah, weirdly YT does not
<BtbN> For Subtitles. In a specific language.
<JEEB> buut yea, fun for everyone that you now need to handle it separately from just text encoding :P
<JEEB> lol
<JEEB> how fun that they decide to just "lol nope2
<BtbN> It's just a <span lang="ja"> around the text
<BtbN> Which should be super trivial for subtitles IN A SPECIFIC LANGUAGE
<JEEB> another fun bit is CJK text in yer usual terminal
<JEEB> it was fun to see how a distro would modify its fallback search listing
<BtbN> If I try to type Japanese in Windows-Terminal, very weird things happen
<BtbN> everything but the text appearing
<JEEB> since one version would render the CJK as Japanese, then the next simplified...
<BtbN> Now I wonder how our text-rendering filters handle it
<BtbN> Or subtitles and so on
<JEEB> same as the terminal case most likely, fontconfig/windows|macOS font selection priorities
<fflogger> [newticket] jcelerier: Ticket #11379 ([avdevice] avfoundation: cannot use Logitech Brio at 1080p 30fps) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11379
<ePirat> jamrial, I can't make any sense of the map syntax for this
<jamrial> ePirat: "-stream_group -map=0=0" means map the first group from the first input file
<ePirat> what does the :st=<n> do after it?
<jamrial> what streams in the output will be added to the group
<fflogger> [newticket] eram: Ticket #11380 ([undetermined] Segmentation fault: 11) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11380
<ePirat> jamrial, ok getting this right is really confusing…
<ePirat> now I just get [iamf @ 0x617000012d80] Duplicated stream id 0 so evidently I did something wrong…
<jamrial> yeah, you need to set ids for the output streams, with one -streamid per stream
<ePirat> jamrial, now I segfaulted it :D
<jamrial> well, that's not good :p
<fflogger> [editedticket] eram: Ticket #11380 ([undetermined] Segmentation fault: 11) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11380#comment:1
<fflogger> [editedticket] eram: Ticket #11380 ([undetermined] Segmentation fault: 11) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11380#comment:2
<BtbN> That is a 1.5GB .mp4.zip sample oO
<Marth64> yeah I just downloaded it
<Marth64> can't reproduce on linux
<Marth64> will check mac
<Marth64> might be a newer x265 version thing too
<jamrial> Marth64: it says 4.1+1-1d117be
<jamrial> and they used mac too
<BtbN> It just locks up entirely for me
<BtbN> and if I press Ctrl+C, it goes successfully
<Marth64> gonna try the x265 version first
<Marth64> on linux
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<BtbN> I used latest git master
<BtbN> 4.1+54-fa2770934 might not be super latest
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<Marth64> it does not hang for me on 4.1+54-fa2770934
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<cone-363> ffmpeg James Almer master:cedd9151f863: avformat/iamf_writer: ensure the stream groups are not empty
<Marth64> gonna try 1d117be
<cone-363> ffmpeg Dennis Sädtler master:d8d0175d3a87: avformat/flvenc: implement support for multi-track video
<cone-363> ffmpeg Dennis Sädtler master:466a400b940d: avformat/flvdec: add support for demuxing multi-track FLV
<cone-363> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:70067c829bec: avformat/flvenc: remove !size check for audio packets
<cone-363> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:2f72dc33ff23: avformat/flvdec: add enhanced audio codecs
<cone-363> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:63613fe9155f: avformat/flvenc: refactor fourcc writing
<cone-363> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:3db28fb06720: avformat/flvenc: write enhanced rtmp multichannel info for audio with more than two channels
<cone-363> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:67b5fb4b5980: avformat/flvdec: parse enhanced rtmp multichannel info
<cone-363> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:bbf1f3cf6f17: avformat/flvenc: add support for writing multi track audio
<cone-363> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:25faaa311a74: avformat/flvdec: add support for reading multi track audio
<cone-363> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:f8dc4d94fde9: avformat/rtmpproto: add more enhanced rtmp codecs
<cone-363> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:da32990e8385: avformat/flvdec: stop shadowing local variables
<cone-363> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:e2a8ece352bf: avformat/flvdec: support all multi-track modes
<cone-363> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:e3836d1d0528: avformat/rtmpproto: reserve enough space for statusmsg
<cone-363> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:64043d7b1855: fate/flvenc: add test for multitrack flv
<cone-363> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:741e49c56f1b: avformat/flvenc: prevent writing legacy codecs into extended video tracks
<cone-363> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:770f0a243419: avformat/flvdec: propagate av_packet_add_side_data failure
<cone-363> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:5f38c825367d: avformat: bump version for enhanced flv
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<Marth64> Oh they are using 7.1 branch
<Marth64> I can't reproduce on master
<Marth64> icky configuration they've got
<BtbN> x265 fixed a lot of the mess we reported to them on git recently, so maybe it's already fixed
<Marth64> yea I'm about ready to give up setting it up on mac
<Marth64> I want to get to the bottom of this one instead https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11263
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<kierank> does ffmpeg officially support pre-sse2?
<jamrial> kierank: sse sure, mmx we don't want anymore :p
<kierank> I guess the easiest way to make asm lessons is to just copy config.asm from my machine
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<ePirat> kierank, I guess you at least need some sort of bootstrapping to detect if functions have underscore prefix or not?
<kierank> underscore prefix?
<ePirat> C function name mangling
<kierank> in C?
<kierank> I don't get it
<ePirat> see ffmpegs x86inc.asm line 79 and following. On Darwin (appleOSes) functions have an underscore prefix. on windows they do for x86 but not for x86_64.
<kierank> I'm only gonna support x86_64 in the lessons
<ePirat> ok then you only need to care about darwin
<fflogger> [newticket] ghjk987: Ticket #11381 ([undetermined] ffmpeg has started outputting yuvj420p not yuv420p) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11381
<ePirat> at least recent gcc and clang have the prefix available as the __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__ define
<ePirat> ^ haasn I guess that ticket is related to the YUVJ removal?
<haasn> Seems a result of user confusion, YUVJ is not a real format
<haasn> But in any case I’ll look into it
<haasn> Maybe we can just remove YUVJ now
<haasn> What were we waiting for again? Just ABI bump?
<ePirat> I dont remember
<ePirat> ugh… the libiamf repo is huge because they put all the test files in it too and prebuild dependencies…
<kierank> Lesson 2 in progress
<kierank> it's painful to explain instruction sets
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<fflogger> [editedticket] Balling: Ticket #11381 ([undetermined] ffmpeg has started outputting yuvj420p not yuv420p) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11381#comment:1
<kierank> BBB: Gramner: jamrial: any idea which lesson should introduce SSE vs SSE2 vs AVX etc
<kierank> That's the vdd lesson plan
<kierank> I thought lesson 2 but maybe lesson 3
<jamrial> the main difference in those is vector length (and float vs int), so probably lesson 2
<kierank> I mean the concept of instruction sets
<kierank> it's quite a long explanation
<kierank> a bit boring for lesson 2
<kierank> it's two whole pages
<kierank> I might move it to lesson 3
<kierank> teaching loops is more interesting for lesson 2
<Gramner> 3 sounds more reasonablee than 2. could bring it up as part of sign/zero-extension (sse4.1 instructions) for example
<Gramner> avx could be even later
<fflogger> [editedticket] Marth64: Ticket #11263 ([avcodec] [Regression] Closed Captions in MPEG-TS no more recognized) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11263#comment:11
<fflogger> [editedticket] Balling: Ticket #11267 ([avcodec] mxf_parse_jpeg2000_frame() checks for the incorrect number of components) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11267#comment:4
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<fflogger> [editedticket] Marth64: Ticket #11263 ([avcodec] [Regression] Closed Captions in MPEG-TS no more recognized) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11263#comment:12
<kierank> I decided to avoid going into detail about FLAGS
<kierank> as it's boring
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<fflogger> [editedticket] ghjk987: Ticket #11381 ([undetermined] ffmpeg has started outputting yuvj420p not yuv420p) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11381#comment:2
<fflogger> [editedticket] oromit: Ticket #11381 ([undetermined] ffmpeg has started outputting yuvj420p not yuv420p) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11381#comment:3
<Compn> kierank, ask chatgpt to design a lesson /s
<Compn> ehe
<fflogger> [editedticket] selcuk: Ticket #11263 ([avcodec] [Regression] Closed Captions in MPEG-TS no more recognized) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11263#comment:13
<fflogger> [editedticket] Marth64: Ticket #11263 ([avcodec] [Regression] Closed Captions in MPEG-TS no more recognized) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11263#comment:14