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intel has broken ffv1_vulkan
on linux
but how?
specially with this failure mode
I have to isolate and produce a smaller testcase for the dev to bother with investigating
I've done most of this already, just need an hour to finish it
yeah, I don't know, seems like it fails to write bytes to a byte array
this is on linux, not windows, right?
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The bug does not seem to specify actually
"ANV driver"
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That should be Linux
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[editedticket] Lynne: Ticket #11352 ([avcodec] On the state of FFmpeg's ffv1_vulkan encoder implementation on Intel & NVIDIA) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11352#comment:1
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does C promise that sizeof() is always a compile-time evaluation?
>If the type of the operand is a variable length array type, the operand is evaluated; otherwise, the operand is not evaluated and the result is an integer constant.
looks like it's not evaluated unless it's a VLA
(C11 spec)
we don't do VLAs
so ye, I just saw your thing of pthread_t ret; ret = malloc(sizeof(*ret)); and wanted to check if we weren't dereferencing garbo but apparently spec guarantees this is evaluated at compile-time and not runtime and there's no actual dereference here
yeah, we do sizeof(var) all over the place
it's better than sizeof(type), because it still works if you change the type
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yep sizeof(*(foo*)NULL) is fine
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wow, only 52 devs in the GA
gotta catch 'em all
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i'm still chipping away at bdmv. it's in the task rotation. v1 is ok but if i get it working v2 will be better
i'm also thinking on a proposal to extract closed captions without the -f lavfi "movie=..[out+subcc]" dance
since its kinda limiting
a better way to handle CC would be nice. both extracting and embedding
extracting should be fairly easy
extracting is easy since its side data, just user experience to do it is clunky
also feels unnecessary to go through lavfi
with the current method
I mean it should be quite easy and straightforward to implement in ffmpeg CLI
for example it is a hassle with non-simple file names eg "My Favorite Movie with "Quotes" and Th$'ings in the Name (2004) [DVD-Remux]" ... i end up making a symlink
decoders can have multiple outputs now
i would like to try and move that crowded a53 conversion area in mpeg12dec and any common cc operations into a utility file. cc_utils or something
haasn: ^ that looks valid at first glance, though incredibly entitled
haasn: Looks like a blunder while transforming != || to == &&
embedded diff in comments, nice
I'd still like to know what's up with trac redirecting to plain http whenever you post a comment on a ticket, which then upsets Firefox
There is no plain http: url configured anywhere
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trac also no longer hyperlinks inlined git hashes to git.videolan.org. instead, it display a seemingly useless commit summary.
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BtbN: I'm mobile ATM but I think I see the issue. The <form> action URL is missing a leading slash thus it is not a protocol relative url (eg //foo.html vs /foo.html)