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<Lynne> intel has broken ffv1_vulkan
<Lynne> on linux
<BtbN> but how?
<Lynne> exactly
<BtbN> specially with this failure mode
<Lynne> I have to isolate and produce a smaller testcase for the dev to bother with investigating
<Lynne> I've done most of this already, just need an hour to finish it
<Lynne> yeah, I don't know, seems like it fails to write bytes to a byte array
<Lynne> this is on linux, not windows, right?
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<BtbN> The bug does not seem to specify actually
<BtbN> "ANV driver"
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<BtbN> That should be Linux
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<fflogger> [editedticket] Lynne: Ticket #11352 ([avcodec] On the state of FFmpeg's ffv1_vulkan encoder implementation on Intel & NVIDIA) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11352#comment:1
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<cone-015> ffmpeg Marth64 master:8291aedf1abf: avformat/mov: don't reallocate extradata when converting dvdsub palette
<cone-015> ffmpeg Marth64 master:90af8e07b02e: fftools/ffprobe: add analyze_frames option for CC and grain detection
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<fflogger> [editedticket] Marth64: Ticket #9724 ([avcodec] Duplicate character pairs in Closed Captions) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/9724#comment:14
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<fflogger> [editedticket] Balling: Ticket #11232 ([avformat] M4A metadata did not correct indicate VBR) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11232#comment:8
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<Traneptora> does C promise that sizeof() is always a compile-time evaluation?
<Traneptora> >If the type of the operand is a variable length array type, the operand is evaluated; otherwise, the operand is not evaluated and the result is an integer constant.
<Traneptora> looks like it's not evaluated unless it's a VLA
<Traneptora> (C11 spec)
<elenril> we don't do VLAs
<Traneptora> so ye, I just saw your thing of pthread_t ret; ret = malloc(sizeof(*ret)); and wanted to check if we weren't dereferencing garbo but apparently spec guarantees this is evaluated at compile-time and not runtime and there's no actual dereference here
<elenril> yeah, we do sizeof(var) all over the place
<elenril> it's better than sizeof(type), because it still works if you change the type
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<thardin> yep sizeof(*(foo*)NULL) is fine
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<Lynne> wow, only 52 devs in the GA
<thardin> gotta catch 'em all
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<Marth64> i'm still chipping away at bdmv. it's in the task rotation. v1 is ok but if i get it working v2 will be better
<Marth64> i'm also thinking on a proposal to extract closed captions without the -f lavfi "movie=..[out+subcc]" dance
<Marth64> since its kinda limiting
<thardin> a better way to handle CC would be nice. both extracting and embedding
<elenril> extracting should be fairly easy
<Marth64> extracting is easy since its side data, just user experience to do it is clunky
<Marth64> also feels unnecessary to go through lavfi
<Marth64> with the current method
<elenril> I mean it should be quite easy and straightforward to implement in ffmpeg CLI
<Marth64> for example it is a hassle with non-simple file names eg "My Favorite Movie with "Quotes" and Th$'ings in the Name (2004) [DVD-Remux]" ... i end up making a symlink
<elenril> decoders can have multiple outputs now
<Marth64> nice
<Marth64> i would like to try and move that crowded a53 conversion area in mpeg12dec and any common cc operations into a utility file. cc_utils or something
<Marth64> maybe
<Marth64> and add some tests to it
<elenril> sounds reasonable
<fflogger> [newticket] sylware: Ticket #11353 ([swscale] [PATCH] Bug introduced upon API change) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11353
<BtbN> wat
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<fflogger> [editedticket] MasterQuestionable: Ticket #11353 ([swscale] [Regression] "libswscale/utils.c" potentially introduced logical error) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11353#comment:1
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<BtbN> haasn: ^ that looks valid at first glance, though incredibly entitled
<beastd> haasn: Looks like a blunder while transforming != || to == &&
<jamrial> embedded diff in comments, nice
<BtbN> I'd still like to know what's up with trac redirecting to plain http whenever you post a comment on a ticket, which then upsets Firefox
<BtbN> There is no plain http: url configured anywhere
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<pross> trac also no longer hyperlinks inlined git hashes to git.videolan.org. instead, it display a seemingly useless commit summary.
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<Marth64> BtbN: I'm mobile ATM but I think I see the issue. The <form> action URL is missing a leading slash thus it is not a protocol relative url (eg //foo.html vs /foo.html)
<Marth64> I can check later in dev tools
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<BtbN> pross: yeah, that's an artifact of enabling the commit message verbs
<BtbN> It's either one or the other I'm afraid
<BtbN> Though... I do have an idea
<BtbN> I could at the Webserver-Level just redirect https://trac.ffmpeg.org/changeset/<id>/* to gitweb
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<pross> nah avoid hacks. wait for gitlab/forge/whatever
<BtbN> I mean, it seems like a proper solution to me in this case
<BtbN> the URLs are consistent
<pross> ok
<BtbN> Yeah, works just fine
<BtbN> It's just RedirectMatch 301 "^/changeset/(.+)/ffmpeg.*" "https://git.ffmpeg.org/gitweb/ffmpeg.git/commit/$1"
<pross> i just tested it
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