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<bkeys> Is there any updates on OS options in general on the Unmatched? Or is it still just freedom SDK and ubuntu image?
<BryceII> by OS options you do mean starting off distributions on an SD card?
<bkeys> Or the NVMe
<bkeys> On mine, the NVMe does not seem to speed anything up, even though I am certain it is using it
<davidlt> no yet
<davidlt> well, there is something locally, but not yet in the RPMs
<pierce> The BeagleV is running off fedora atm
<bkeys> I don't have a BeagleV; I would love to have Fedora on the Unmatched
<bkeys> But it looks like a lot of work will have to get done and upstreamed before that is reasonably available
<pierce> I honestly would love to have something else than Ubuntu on my unmatched atm
<BryceII> bkeys: yeah nvme performance is lackluster 8( it's barely push 130Mb/s even though the NVME is capable of an order of magnitude better
<davidlt> the SoC is the bottleneck here
<BryceII> pierce: if/when uboot spl gets attention and we can give up the nomadic lifestyle of SD booting...
<bkeys> davidlt: So is it always going to be slow?
<bkeys> pierce: Yeah I hate ubuntu with a passion
<BryceII> bkeys: better not be if it wants to live up to the name of fasted risc-v development board 8)
<BryceII> er fastest
<davidlt> well, you never gonna get what you get on your laptop or a desktop PC
<bkeys> Yeah really
<bkeys> No I already bought a pimped out raspberry pi and am using that as a desktop in tandum with the unmatched
<pierce> <BryceII "Pierce: if/when uboot spl gets a"> I don't know when this will happen. I'm not holding my breath.
<davidlt> I remember seeing <500MB/s on random read/write benchmark (fio) the last time I checked
<bkeys> Although the unmatched does not do much of anything because the poor performance and a lot of packages are either missing or crashing
<pierce> I'd get more use out of the unmatched if it weren't for the weird errors I get
<davidlt> stability most likely will improve with more users using it
<BryceII> .oO( I'd get more out of it if I wasn;t stuch debugging futex/signals and random aarch64/mips64 foo )
<bkeys> Yeah I would love to use it as a workstation but the OS support is crippling me
<bkeys> davidlt: Agreed, I am willing to wait
<bkeys> I got a Nezha SBC this Friday which has 1GB of RAM and a single 1GHz core processor and it even does web browsing better than my Unmatched does...
<bkeys> Nezha is RISC-V SBC if anyone is not already aware
<davidlt> bkeys, RISC-V doesn't have fancy things like JIT engines yet
<davidlt> well, we do now :)
<davidlt> v8 exist :)
<davidlt> work is ongoing for Chromium support of course
<bkeys> Yeah but neither the Nezha or Unmatched have JIT (they are both RISC-V)
<davidlt> ah, Nezha, Allwinner D1
<davidlt> Yeah, sadly you will loose some of that with upstream
<davidlt> like RVV stuff will not be supported, they also use reserved bits in PTE
<davidlt> but it can run in compatible mode
<bkeys> D1 is really good for what it is
<davidlt> true, but too expensive and some things will not be supported by distros
<davidlt> (again, things like vectors)
<bkeys> I mean the only thing I am aware is the debian that comes on the SD card
<davidlt> well, that's most likely some customized/optimized variant for this SoC
<bkeys> It is too expensive for most indeed; unless it is someone who just wants to run rv
<davidlt> but the V extension they implemented is not compatible with the final thing
<davidlt> that's the problem
<davidlt> and that's why it will not be supported
<bkeys> Yeah, It is still crazy that a 1GHz with 1 GB of RAM is noticeably faster than Unmatched
<davidlt> not really
<davidlt> Allwinner is SoC company
<pierce> PLCT have apparently completed "Support of RV64G for nodejs had been merged to main trunk"
<davidlt> yeah, I am on their Slack channel
<davidlt> IIRC someone told me that it's not working yet
<davidlt> basically the was a wait for NodeJS to pick up a new v8
<davidlt> and that point configuration changes were merged (landed in 16.0 IIRC)
<davidlt> but I was told it's not good enough yet
<pierce> Ah okay, I only noticed on the mailing list
<pierce> 4 hours ago
<davidlt> I haven't tried it myself
<davidlt> the configuration changes were added months ago
<pierce> [sig-managed-runtimes] Recent progressing on V8 and Nodejs for RISC-V from PLCT lab
<davidlt> so maybe this is a new development
<pierce> I tried looking for a git repo, but I couldn't find anything recent
<pierce> Couldn't find a PR on GitHub for nodejs/node either
<davidlt> from the slack I see the last message on June 16th, that Node 17.0.0 build is passing: https://github.com/v8-riscv/node/tree/v17.0.0-riscv64
<pierce> What slack channel is that? Can I get an add?
<davidlt> I think you need an invite from them, but I don't know
<pierce> I am excited to see progress there so vscode will be another step closer
<davidlt> there aren't many board around thus most things (even if compile and pass testsuites) are not really tested or being constantly tested
<davidlt> two boards that gave a nice push is BeagleV and Unmatched
<davidlt> I still don't expect hundreds or thousands of developers flock into action to work on the software :)
<davidlt> but users filling bug reports and asking for riscv64 will help
<pierce> Yeah, I've been doing my best there
<pierce> There's just plenty of "upstream" issues that I can't navigate
<davidlt> btw, there is also SUSE build for Unmatched somewhere
<pierce> Oh reaaalllyyy
<davidlt> I am toying with v5.13 kernel on Unmatched, but Fedora (upstream) isn't switching yet
<davidlt> I believe kernel test week is this week, so maybe late next week
<pierce> Hopefully the next BeagleV has a smoother launch
<pierce> Actually I'm keen on this SoM https://antmicro.com/blog/2021/04/arv-som-announcement/
<pierce> Which should be compatible with CM4 boards
<davidlt> The current BeagleV round is only for developers to help bring up the board
<davidlt> BeagleV with 7110 is much more exciting
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<pierce> That SoM should also be shipping with the 7110 which will also have the imagination gpu
<davidlt> sadly yes :)
<bkeys> Is there any updates on when we will be able to purchase a BeagleV again?
<davidlt> I don't recall
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<bkeys> Have any of you guys read that dude's post where he got FreeBSD on the unmatched?
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