<jrei:matrix.org> Better avoid using them if possible, generally
<jrei:matrix.org> Strings instead of symbols, and static objects instead of JSON::Any
<Blacksmoke16> or Enum, depending on the context
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<seanchristophergregory_gitlab> oh for sure. I actually haven't heard an argument against symbols yet. are you speaking to the podman client or the app itself. Both are very poc, but I'd like to formalize them correctly. Most of the work done in the podman client was building models that were JSON::Serializable.
<Dan-Do> I think we have to convert the string to slice of bytes
<Blacksmoke16> im pretty sure it should use `.bytesize` instead of `.size`
<Blacksmoke16> but you can just pass the string since crystal will automatically call its `#to_unsafe` method
<Dan-Do> Thanks, just know that :)
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* FromGitter
* dscottboggs:matrix.org thinks he broke the compiler again
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<dscottboggs:matrix.org> realized a compilation had been taking 20 minutes and cancelled it...project has been taking ~1 minute to compile until that. Been running with `--verbose --progress --stats` for ~10 minutes, stuck at the codegen step
<dscottboggs:matrix.org> any way to get more info on what's happening where it's stuck?
how much did the other steps take?
<jrei:matrix.org> Do you use StaticArrays? 😄
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<dscottboggs:matrix.org> less than a second each.
<dscottboggs:matrix.org> no
<dscottboggs:matrix.org> I've had it running since around 3:15PM EST and it's still going
<dscottboggs:matrix.org> why am I so damn good at breaking things 😞