<hextremist_twitter> 1) The latest release, fedora35 is not supported. Had to modify the file under /etc/yum.repos.d and insert fedora34 instead
<hextremist_twitter> 2) In the Manual Setup section, it says you should replace {REPOSITORY} in the script, but the script contains some SUSE setup and no REPOSITORY.
<hextremist_twitter> 3) It says you should use *yum* when installing. This should be replaced by *dnf* which is used in place of yum for the last couple of years.
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<oprypin:matrix.org> @hextremist_twitter: "opensuse stuff" is intentional, it's just the hosting destination. and the string "{REPOSITORY}" *is* there.
<oprypin:matrix.org> @hextremist_twitter: fedora 35 not having a repository for it - that should be looked into. thanks.
@hextremist_twitter I have enabled the repository for Fedora 35. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen automatically for new distro releases.
Thanks for the heads up!
I don't know of any regular contributor working with Fedora, so we're missing some knowledge there.
<hextremist_twitter> Oh, I see. You use Open Build Service to build the release.
<hextremist_twitter> I am planning to look into porting som Ruby code to Crystal as a side project in a Hackathon we have at work next month. So who knows, maybe I can contribute to Crystal later if I like it enough :)
Hi there.
What would one use for manipulating Strings and removing double spaces but at the same time add space where is needed e.g. after comma or dot. gsub?
Consider this String: "This is a statement .Another statement"
Yeah, gsub should work for that
Do you need to remove the space before the dot?