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<r0ni> python3-aiohttp 3.10.0 has a new dep 'python3-happyeyeballs" which the site nor docs mention (I see it's been updated)
<r0ni> aiohappyeyeballs that is, sorry
<beerman> r0ni: ack, will try to have that added later
<beerman> r0ni: done, thanks for the report
<r0ni> cheers (I maintain that one on slackbuilds.org and got bit myself, figured I should share that knowledge lol
<beerman> yeah it's obviously a weakness in my script, it runs pip to alert me about it but if the build comes back with a footprint error the package is not installed and pip is not checking it the way I want to :D
<r0ni> yeah running pip check would of saved me, but I just fearlessly jump and worry about problems later ;)
<beerman> heh, yeah
<beerman> pip check is a great thing to include
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<r0ni> i've also decided i'm building all of opt,xorg,contrib on arm64 and i'm going to search for every package with issue (i know all of them are not accounted for) to hopefully get some arm64 ports less likely to fail and get it all cleaned up for the future... this aught to be fun
<beerman> r0ni please share your list if you make one
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<r0ni> oh I will, thats kinda the point. to get these 2 in sync and on par with each other
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<r0ni> done all of opt, opt-arm64, now onto contrib (somewhere along inkscape now)
<r0ni> running pkg-clean on this will be soooo satisfying
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