jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.6 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-6 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
<r0ni> pitill0: it was dying basically right after the make command... tried again with user acct instead of root and appears to work, will test completely once nodejs finishes building
<r0ni> if anyone's using the pine64 pkg repo, i've moved it to https://rekt.lngn.net/crux-arm/pine64/ while the standard aarch64 is https://rekt.lngn.net/crux-arm/arm64/ -- for now i'll keep both while i decide if pine should stay or go
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<r0ni> building a rootfs failed at python3, it appears because i have cython installed on my root install... I seem to have wrongfully assumed this was done in a chroot that it creates
<r0ni> take that back cython is not installed... hrm possible footprint is bad, checking it out
<r0ni> the arm64 github shows python 3.9.13 but the script has pulled 3.10.13 from the arm64 repo... not sure what magic is happening here
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<r0ni> ahh shit wrong branch in browser
<beerman> :D
<beerman> i fall for that so often
<r0ni> the footprint was blank tho.. odd not sure if repo is same yet
<r0ni> ahh yet python3 footprint is empty
<r0ni> beerman almost every time i've submitted a PR i do it against the wrong branch lol
<beerman> once it was even merged lol
<beerman> this is just a very confusing situation mkay
<r0ni> yes shhh we are senile lol
<beerman> lmao
<r0ni> stage0 complete!
<r0ni> ahh seems root needed for stage1
<r0ni> hrm ok maybe i'm missing something, do I need to manually chroot here or what, it fails and fails and fails
<r0ni> "make bootstrap" seems to continue
<r0ni> fails downloading exim
<r0ni> wrong ver ok
<beerman> i am not familiar with the script
<r0ni> me either lol
<r0ni> it seems to basically pull core and core-arm64 and build it all and make a rootfs
<r0ni> isn't really documented so i'm trial and error-ing it
<r0ni> exim in ports is 4.96.1 but the download has 4.96.2 only
<beerman> sounds pretty much like the iso script with the added arch overlay :D
<r0ni> guess that would need an update in core but that is not the point of the excorcise
<jaeger> If llvm took a couple of days on the rpi3 I wonder how long rust will take
<r0ni> january?
<r0ni> OMG rootfs completed!
<r0ni> uploaded to my links above if anyone wants to try it out for me ;)
<jaeger> woo, heh