beerman: just a fyi none of the qt6 6.6 updates are building on arm64
yeah i know
we already identified why
ahh good
we as in we two
qt6-base needs an overlay
ahh now its becoming clearer
if there were a patch which would make it compile on both architectures i'd import it in opt directly. but i am not aware of anything, so the overlay that omits the criticial cmake flag is inevitable
whats the flag that needs omitting?
iirc it was QT_FEATURE_no_direct_extern_access=ON
digging :D at least at this point right now
anyway, i have native rust code to crawl /var/lib/pkg/db to find out which ports are installed at what version. it will crawl /etc/prt-get.conf for prtdirs and then evaluate the corresponding port directory, and send a notificiation via libnotify to show them :D I want something for my status bar
the code is really dumb, no real version comparison but just a check if the versions match or not, no cache nothing
it executes in ~150ms though which is fast enough, but the formatting gets thrown out of the window in the notificiation body :(
huh, guess i should of learned about it first lol
i like the rust implementation because of the blocks design, and possibilities. i can change my audio output device with clicks on the volume block which also displays my current output device
a click on the network block opens nmtui in a floating terminal
same for the audio block with ncpamixer..
music blocks does that with ncmpcpp :D
the single number is my current script that shows the number of updates to do (thats the real one, my last screenshots worked with an old db copy), it also does a notification on click, but thats a ruby script i wrote years ago which only executes prt-get under the hood
what WM do you use?
I assumed that, based upon all the ports that center around it, but ya never know lol
sway really works great if you are used to i3, which is what i used on x11 for the last years before i switched
i can only recommend giving i3status-rust another try
i had just blindly installed it since its what came up in my i3status search, i didn't mess with configs at all... but now i'll have to do some tweaking :)