jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.6 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-6 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
<jaeger> Mine is 64-bit
<jaeger> Though currently it's attached to a 3d printer, heh
<beerman> mine runs 32bit code, but i am thinking about switching to 64 bit
<pitillo> great, thanks for sharing!
<pitillo> we'll keep both repos then
<pitillo> I believe you can continue mantaining them on github if you see that ok
<pitillo> probably we need to add some permissions there as you are shown as contributors
<pitillo> do you think is ok to give you those permissions?
<beerman> sure, no problem
<beerman> i always wanted to setup a vm to build clean ports via script
<beerman> my other pi 4 runs home assistant <.<
<pitillo> nice uses... 3d printers and home assistant
<beerman> but homeassistant runs their image, not on crux
<beerman> it needs a bazzilion python modules
<beerman> i am thinking about moving that to a docker container on my nas
<beerman> which runs crux of course ;p but x86_64
guido_rokepo has joined #crux-arm
<pitillo> sounds great too beerman :D
<pitillo> I need to put hands on docker... more sooner thqn later xD
<beerman> indeed, with CI and all docker is a must :D
<beerman> i just dislike dockers dependence on iptables, i use networkmode host mostly to avoid that and disallow useage of iptables
<pitillo> ummm I'm not an expert, but iptables/nf always give lot of versatility, and playing with containers with local tun/tap devices is always fine to setup with that kind of software
<beerman> 3.7 has nftables in core, with iptables still enabled
<beerman> so its up to a user, but you can run both simultaneously
<beerman> but docker just demands iptables, so if you opt for nftables (which is just so much nicer) you'll have to dig in deep to make those nat rules work
<pitillo> yeah, I have more experience with iptables (long time using it and used to its functionallity). I remember bsd ipfw too, which was amazing. I haven't touched too much nftables, but I don't think its knowledge curve should be harder than iptables, so it's just a matter of time to adapt
guido_rokepo has quit [Quit: guido_rokepo]
<pitillo> hey jaeger, we have added you to raspberrypi4-arm64 github repo
<pitillo> we have renamed the master branch to main brach
<pitillo> beerman: in your case, you have been added to raspberrypi4-arm and raspberrypi4-arm64 too
<pitillo> if you have over there raspberrypi4-arm{,64}.sec files, could you share them with us?
<jaeger> ok
<jaeger> I have a raspberrypi4-arm.sec, I don't see the 64 one
<pitillo> may be that key was used to sign aem64 ports too?
<pitillo> I'm not sure which is the best way to send it or to get it
<pitillo> ummm I can see your ports signed with arm64 key and beerman's ports with arm keys
<jaeger> I must have lost it somewhere, sorry :/
<jaeger> ooh, wait, think I might have it after all
<jaeger> did a brute force search, heh
<jaeger> Ah, no. Just .pub, no .sec.
<jaeger> One last place I can check but will take a while, compressed backup
<jaeger> OK, it's not in that backup. Sorry :/
<pitillo> no problem
<pitillo> probably a newer one should be used and re-sing ports