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Stalevar: yeah, we are on the way
it takes some time... more when we have migrated our main server
you can check github crux-arm project to see what-s going on
atm I-m still fighting with bsdtar locale problem to build generic gcc port...
just switch pkgmk to use some utf-8 locale
3.7 glibc will provide C.UTF-8 by default
pitillo: ^
yeah, I'm trying it without success... LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" fakeroot pkgmk -d
same problems with bsdtar
we have glibc ready (and another buch of ports) but currently I'm stuck with gcc
pitillo, I was trying to use fakeroot to make slackware packages, but somehow they didn't change ownership to root in created tar files (packages), do you have any ideas how to fix that, except building slackware packages under real root?
Also it seems that crux-arm only provides root tarball so what is the solution for the bootloader and kernel?
I wanted a very specific thing, I don't know if crux-arm could help. I want a kernel+initrd for arm64 which have complete system working from RAM, so I can load it and replace the boot media
Stalevar: I'm using this setup for prt-get.conf to use fakeroot: makecommand sudo -H -u pkgmk fakeroot pkgmk
The reason for that was to test the speed of a new microSD card, while the arm64 machine only can boot from microSD, it seems
yes, we provide only rootfs and core ports for releases. Kernel and bootloaders are device dependent, so we can provide some of them (for devices we have)
What about rPi400 ?
or orangepi4
which device are you using? I believe you can do that (initrd boot for sure if you can manage your boot device)
I plan to use exiting install of Armbian
we don-t have any of them, but we were using an initrd on rpi3 without problems (we started with it on the efikaMX)
pitillo, do you have an initrd with complete crux-arm64?
Yeah, it will be several hundred megs but it should fit in 4G ram, I guess
let me check all those changes... I'm currently using 3.6 glibc version to start preparing the generic 3.7 release
I didn't want to change the POSIX spec on pkgmk....
$ pkginfo -i|grep pkgutils
$ locale -a
pkgutils 5.40.7-1
I've rebuilt locales... and tried to build C.utf8.... exporting them or passing them to the pkgmk command gives always the same result
I'll try to speak with sepen, who is currently working on arm generic release (I'm on the way with arm64)
it won't work with glibc from 3.6
the updated is needed
you can unpack gcc with a custom unpack_source like inside the Pkgfile to bootstrap but its not needed once you have the correct locale on the system
I think I'll go ahead with the unpack_source... I don-t like it but it's the less invasive method I feel
its just for the meantime really
you don't need to push that
if people update from source by just changing the repos from 3.6 to 3.7 they should get pkgutils and glibc before gcc anyway
yes, that's true... but for use is a bit ugly this situation (or at least for me from my POV)
btw, let's see if I can go ahead building and preparing packages...
it is, but it shouldn't be needed at all with C.UTF-8
in the past versions we had problems with a few ports that shipped files which had utf8 glyphs in their names
we can clean those out now
yeah, but for me is strange why generating locales for C.UTF-8 didn't solve the problem exporting it on LC_ALL
may be I generated them wrong
which glibc version do you have?
because they just added that with 2.35 or something
$ pkginfo -i|grep glibc
glibc 2.32-4
current 3.6 version if I'm right
that won't work in one easy step
update the chain towards glibc first, then glibc with the locales
its quite a change, but afterwards its all good
yeah, but in our process... we can-t update local 3.6 ports (we use them to build the 3.7 ports...)
a bit messy, but well, we need to go ahead bit by bit to build the stage0 rootfs
then inside the jail using the stage0, these things will be fixed
gcc is on the way... let's see if lto doesn't break anythin or I'll revert to original without lto support
lto is actually enabled by default, i just added it explicitly
for visibility reasons basically
but true, some software does not support lto on arm, which is kinda sad, but oh well
I think I disabled for some reason, don-t remember quite well... but we'll see how it goes and if needed, it will be disabled
i know for a fact that pipewire will not build on the rpi4 armv7 (32bit) with lto enabled..
in cases like those i'd be willing to adopt a line in the pkgfile to disable lto if it finds that it runs on arm platform
it should give a performance bump at link time... so I hope ARM support is beaing activelly maintained and give lto support
not like some years ago, when ARM wasn't maintained or wasn't in the aim of developers/maintainers
it should give a perfomance boost at runtime, linking actually takes longer
link time and runtime, or only at runtime? because gcc should be the responsible of managing ldd at build time too
only at runtime
performance gains that is
I must read a bit deeper
lto will do some smart thinks during linking which take longer to optimize paths
yeah, that-s what I thought to be related at buildtime too... I thought lto will optimize paths for final link stage building binaries
yep 👍️
I'm not an expert... but my first thought from what I-ve read was more related to build time... but runtime has sense too
I'll try to read a bit more to understand it right
I'm still a linux n00b
as if haha
did anybody run crux-arm on apple m1 machines yet btw?
not here... my wife can hit me hard if I touch her mac.... xD
do you own a m1? or m2?
you never want to fiddle with the authorities hardware
pitillo, I thought about it. but it would be easier to install archlinux-arm because there is an exiting fully-automated installer
and no, I don't have it, I thought about getting one
yeah, arch has done an amazing job for ARM...
very nice procedures and a very nice knowledge base too
but probably they aren't 2 persons xD
7h usage of samsung-chromebook with CRUX-ARM 3.3 ... wifi and USB harddisk... currently running mate... amazing
You mean first chromebook?
pitillo, do you run it off 16M ssd or off external SD / USB?
also it's out of production so it's surprising your battery isn't dead yet
Also why 3.3 and not 3.6 /
* 16G
yes, first gen chromebook running from sd
3.3 because I hadn't time to create optimizations
it runs like a charm
pitillo, what do you think about running it from the internal flash?
Do you still have chrome OS on it? Did you unlock the bootloader by unscrewing a screw from inside?
also what do you do with chrome OS? It doesn't update anymore
do you use it?
not thinking in running it from emmc really, from SD runs great
I still have chrome OS on emmc and not unlocked the bootloader, just running from developer mode
my wife started using chrome OS to do some online tasks... when they become bigger, the toy wasn't enought, so she moved again to mac
When we have a generic rootfs for 3.7, would you like me to build rpi4 64-bit stuff?
of course jaeger, if it's possible
It's connected to a 3d printer but I can put a pi 3 in its place
that sounds great
we are changing the way we were building rootfs and optimizations
sepen is still doing some magic
there is a repo at github which I believe will be
interesting for all who wants to build his own generic rootfs and/or optimizations for devices