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<nij-> That helped. Sorry, I was away for an emergency.
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<dieggsy> So i'm "compressing" a list of ordered numbers as in '(1 1 1 2 2) -> '((1 . 3) (2 . 2)) and i have this https://paste.dieggsy.com/2021-08-19T20:46:44 but i'm almost certain there's a more efficient way lol
<dieggsy> i don't think i'm doing badly, i just think it's awkward code
<moon-child> dieggsy: the condition (= last thing) is duplicated. I would have only one branch
<moon-child> you can also declare 'last' and 'last-count' inside of the loop
<moon-child> also, I don't think you correctly collect the final run of values
<dieggsy> moon-child: i think you're right, i'm off by one
<dieggsy> could you show me an example of what you mean by the first two suggestions though?
<moon-child> second: (loop with last = (car list) with last-count = 0 for thing in list...)
<dieggsy> ah, with. nice.
<dieggsy> ooh, i think i'm off by one in that i'm missing one for each count but also the last element of the list lol
<dieggsy> oof
<mfiano> dieggsy: That is called RLE
<nij-> mfiano: Thanks a lot, really. I am determined to understand the read=>macro-exp=>compile procedure.
<dieggsy> mfiano: ah, that helps
<moon-child> dieggsy: https://0x0.st/-ygz.txt or so
<mfiano> nij-: Sure thing.
<moon-child> (for the unified-branch bit)
<nij-> Where can I look for an exact detail?
<moon-child> (though I think I might actually prefer the recursive approach to the iterative, for this)
<nij-> For example, in the READ stage, reader macros kick in and expand things into s-expressions.
<nij-> What are s-exprs right here? Are they still texts? Or are some part internalized already?
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<dieggsy> moon-child: i prefer recursive everything since i'm coming from years of exclusively scheme lol, but i'm trying to wrap my head around loop better. thanks for your help
<mfiano> nij-: They are lisp data, s-expressions.
<nij-> So interalized as lisp data already?
<mfiano> After read, everything is lisp data, yes
<nij-> I.e. not just text?
<nij-> ok
<mfiano> Right
<mfiano> The hard part to realize is that even though there is READ -> MACRO-EXPAND -> COMPILE for each file...
<mfiano> within each of those steps, you can invoke any other, recursively.
<mfiano> But let's ignore that for now
<nij-> You said after READ it's lisp data, how about during READ?
<mfiano> Important thing to realize though, is you can only access functions in the MACRO-EXPAND phase that have been previously compiled.
<mfiano> Which means:
<mfiano> if you try to use a unquote "," in a macro, and it's calling a function defined in that same file earlier, it will not be available without an (eval-when ...) around it. This is because we are still at the MACRO-EXPAND stage, and haven't reached COMPILE yet
<mfiano> But if it was defined in a previous file, then COMPILE would have been reached for it already
<nij-> oh..
<moon-child> dieggsy: http://sprunge.us/DyifHk?cl here's another approach
<mfiano> This isnt a problem if the macro generates (returns) a call to that function
<mfiano> It's only the unquoted stuff that is evaluated at the middle stage of the pipeline
<mfiano> that needs to be fully available at that stage
<mfiano> so: (defmacro foo () (some-func ...)) is bad if there is a (defun some-func ...) before it in that file
<mfiano> but: (defmacro foo () `(some-func ...) is fine.
<mfiano> To fix the former, you'd do: (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun some-func ...))
<mfiano> But I prefer to just usually define it in a previous file
<nij-> read->macroexp->compile
<nij-> how about special forms?
<mfiano> special forms are just compiled. they are already in lowest terms, since they are implementation code
<dieggsy> moon-child: woah! funky use of :by
<dieggsy> i've a lot to learn
<mfiano> you can treat them as any other function, just with different evaluation rules
<dieggsy> that's neat
<nij-> at which stage are they invoked?
<moon-child> mfiano: 'lowest terms' depends quite a lot; you can define different special forms in terms of each other
<mfiano> what do you mean by invoked?
<moon-child> 'treat them as any other function' No (funcall #'if t 5 7)
<moon-child> (actually, you can do that in s7 scheme. But not in cl)
<mfiano> moon-child: true, i'm using a pedagogical device here, as to not introduce too much at once.
<nij-> er
<nij-> How to genuinely understand the procedure?
<nij-> To read the source code of an impl, say sbcl?
<mfiano> Can you rephrase?
<nij-> Rephrase for "invoke"? Sure. I mean, at which stage does an expression that starts from a special form gets invoked?
<mfiano> You shouldn't really try to understand special forms without intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the particular implementation. Just read CLHS for the semantics of each one.
<mfiano> They are just functions to you.
<nij-> So they take actions after "COMPILE"?
<dieggsy> nij-: not sure i'd recommend reading the source code of an impl to start out with, that can be.... WILDLY hairy lol
<mfiano> Yes
<nij-> I think so, dieggsy. How about going through MAL myself?
<mfiano> Well, they take actions when they are called
<mfiano> Compiling is different from calling.
<nij-> dieggsy:, that won't be CL though..
<nij-> mfiano: I feel like I have a general picture, but many corners are still pretty vague.
<dieggsy> i mean, whatever works for you i suppose
<mfiano> nij-: It will become clear if you read more books and write more code. It took me a couple years to fully grasp it, but I am slow, so YMMV
<moon-child> an interpreter is different from a compiler. But both express a language's semantics in terms of something else; it won't tell you how anything 'actually' works
<moon-child> if you can understand natively the semantics of a compiler's target language or an interpreter's implementation language, then you can understand natively the semantics of the source language itself
<hayley> MAL doesn't have an awful lot of special forms, or really anything that is notably hard. And it is only a tree-walking interpreter, so the implementation would be different to that of a compiler.
<nij-> mfiano: Thanks for that :) Yes, I'm sure CL will accompany my life and give me a lot of fun.
<mfiano> nij-: I highly recommend picking up one or both of the books I mentioned, but only if you've read PCL first.
<nij-> hayley: Oh, good to know that too.
<mfiano> Even if you don't understand them yet, you will later.
<hayley> Say, (IF p t e) could just be defined as (if (eval p environment) (eval t environment) (eval e environment)) and that would be...kind of boring
<nij-> I've read PCL as a tool book. For some of them, I skimmed through. For some other parts, I revisited many times.
<mfiano> That's good.
<mfiano> Keep at it and repeat until your brain is full of parentheses
<nij-> (eq () '<3) ;; => T
<mfiano> But no book or no person can teach someone how to program or how a compiler works. That is all intuited from experience.
<mfiano> You can read and get an idea, but until you write code or dig into compiler theory by writing your own compiler, you won't understand a lot
<nij-> I think the trickest part is that we all talk about "lisp data", but we cannot point to lisp data at all, we can only point to expressions that evaluate to them.
<nij-> But the importance lies in the difference of expression and data.. so i often find it confusing.
<moon-child> nij-: why do you say that?
<mfiano> nij-: Question for you
<nij-> moon-child: just some rant, i guess..
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<mfiano> nij-: Without cheating, what do you think this returns, and let me know your thought process: (length (quote '(1 2 3)))
<White_Flame> lisp data is cons cells, numbers, symbols, etc. The same components that make up expressions.
<White_Flame> (hashtables, structs, etc as well, which aren't generally part of form literals)
<White_Flame> the entire point of "homoiconic" is that there is no difference between expressions & data
<White_Flame> it is the evaluator (and sometimes the reader/printer) than interpret the meaning of it
<White_Flame> *that
<nij-> Hmm.. that is just (length (quote (quote (1 2 3))), which is (length ___), where ___ evaluates to a list of two members. So the answer should be 2.
<nij-> ___ is the list whose car is 'quote and whose second is '(1 2 3)
<White_Flame> the CAR is the symbol QUOTE, and the second is the list (1 2 3)
<mfiano> Good. The important thing is that reader macros are expanded first.
<nij-> White_Flame: Let me think about it. I think there's still some subtle difference.
<mfiano> What about (length '#'foo)?
<moon-child> nij-: there is none
<moon-child> nij-: consider that EVAL is a regular function
<nij-> mfiano: I didn't know any reader macros working here. I just know that quote is a special form, and it stops the evaluation stack.
<White_Flame> the quotes in IRC are intended to represent literals, but you should probably get used to not using those
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<nij-> mfiano: (length '#'foo) is just (length (quote (function foo))), so it is 2 as well.
<White_Flame> what value is being evaluated as the parameter to LENGTH?
<nij-> moon-child: Now I'm pretty intrigued.. by "there is none". I should think deeper.
<White_Flame> or otherwise, what if it was CAR instead of LENGTH?
<nij-> (car (quote (function foo))) should return the symbol FUNCTION
<White_Flame> ok, right
<mfiano> nij-: #\' is a reader macro character, and so is #\( if you want to be technical.
<nij-> Oh, I see. I admit I don't understand this part well yet.
<mfiano> What does this return before the compiler sees it? (macrolet ((foo (x) `(call-me ',x))) (call-me foo))
<mfiano> err
<mfiano> (macrolet ((foo (x) `(call-me ',x))) (foo foo))
<nij-> moon-child: By "there is none" do you mean that if we really want, we can print every lisp data READably, whose result is read back as the "same" (up to #'equalp') lisp data?
<moon-child> no
<moon-child> reading is largely a distraction
<nij-> mfiano: you mean macroexpand-1 that?
<nij-> lemme think..
<mfiano> I mean work it out in words
<hayley> Generally, any object can be shoved into a Lisp expression, as everything that is not a list or symbol is self evaluating.
<moon-child> consider environments like https://github.com/disconcision/fructure, which remove the need for a reader
<White_Flame> hayley: as long as it doesn't try to get written into a .fasl
<hayley> White_Flame: Right.
<hayley> Try (eval `(list ,(make-instance 'standard-class :name 'blah))) for example. (the :name is just so that the printer probably won't signal an error while printing the class name.)
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<mfiano> hayley: except for keyword symbols.
<nij-> mfiano: sorry my computer locked myself and I needed to reboot
<mfiano> np
<moon-child> hayley: huh? I don't get an error printing that
<nij-> I am thinking about your macrolet problem.. ',foo seems to be turned into whatever foo evaluates too, and then get quoted.
<mfiano> ',x you mean
<hayley> moon-child: Oh, okay. I swear it did once.
<White_Flame> and of course, the (quote ,x) view of it makes it apparent
<White_Flame> compared to (list 1 2 ,y) or something
<nij-> "hayley: Generally, any object can be shoved into a Lisp expression, as everything that is not a list or symbol is self evaluating." <== ??!?!
<nij-> mfiano: oh right
<mfiano> nij-: remember macros return data. this is why you do not need to know what call-me does for the answer.
<hayley> 1 is self-evaluating. The result of evaluating (make-instance 'standard-class) is self-evaluating.
<moon-child> nij-: for an easy example, try (eval 1)
<moon-child> or (eval "hello")
<moon-child> if that weren't the case, something like (+ 1 2) wouldn't work. You'd have to write (+ '1 '2)
<nij-> mfiano: .. hmm ok I don't know how that macrolet works.
<mfiano> nij-: let me rewrite it
<mfiano> (defmacro foo (x) `(call-me ',x)) (foo foo)
<nij-> hayley: I should have been more clear. What do you mean by "shoved into a lisp expr"?
<mfiano> So what does (foo foo) return after MACRO-EXPAND phase to the compiler?
<hayley> 1 is a valid Common Lisp expression. So is a standard instance.
<nij-> mfiano.. so this gives the data (call-me (quote foo))
<mfiano> Right...now:
<mfiano> What does this return:
<nij-> hayley: how about "shove"?
<mfiano> (defmacro foo (x) `(call-me ',x)) (in-package :bar) (foo baz::foo)
<mfiano> err
<hayley> "shove" has a very precise meaning in the CLHS glossary...
<mfiano> (in-package :foo) (defmacro foo (x) `(call-me ',x)) (in-package :bar) (foo baz::foo)
<nij-> :O! Lemme check it up.
<mfiano> nij-: Hint, it's an error, given the information
<nij-> mfiano: yeah cuz in the last form, foo is bar::foo, which doesn't have any macro or function def.
<mfiano> GOod, what about? (in-package :foo) (defmacro foo (x) `(call-me ',x)) (in-package :bar) (foo::foo baz::foo)
<nij-> It gives the data (call-me (quote baz::foo))
<nij-> It gives the data (foo::call-me (quote baz::foo))
<mfiano> Good. Now, you see why you don't need symbol-package in your macro earlier?
<nij-> What symbol-package? (it was here https://bpa.st/VMRQ)
<mfiano> err package-name
<nij-> yeah.....right
<nij-> I see
<mfiano> Given what I showed you, at what time is the first READ-FROM-STRING evaluated?
<nij-> When #'defmacro is evaluated.
<mfiano> Right. Before the file that (in my example) (foo::foo baz::foo) is even READ
<nij-> So *package* has been fixed.
<mfiano> Assuming the macro and the call to the macro are in separate files
<mfiano> Which I assume to be the case for your macro.
<nij-> Yeah.. I created too many packages, which shoot into my foot.
<nij-> Yes you're right.
<mfiano> So in your code you would get an op in the package the macro is defined in. The user would be writing code for your own package :)
<mfiano> Also you rarely need to use read-from-string in everyday macros
<nij-> I dunno too many terms to use xD
<mfiano> Anyway, I have to get going. I hope you have at least somewhat of a better idea now. I am not a very good instructor this late at night.
<nij-> I think you did a nice job. Thanks a lot :))
<mfiano> Sure see ya
<mfiano> nij-: Wait
<mfiano> You got an answer wrong!
<mfiano> Oh, no you didn't. This is me being too tired. Good job, and good night!
<nij-> :)
<kakuhen> For some reason, an example of FORMAT from the clhs does not work on either ccl, ecl, clisp, or sbcl
<kakuhen> clhs
<kakuhen> the 3rd example does not produce the expected output on either implementation
<kakuhen> I'm aware that you are no longer allowed to pass in just 0 itself, so you must use '0 on all 4 impls I tried
<kakuhen> They all give the output "000001101 0000 0101"
<kakuhen> So the exact line I am using is (format nil "~19,0,' ,4:B" 3333), if anyone here would like to verify what I said
<kakuhen> I'm sorry, I meant to write (format nil "~19,'0,' ,4:B" 3333)
<kakuhen> The former will signal an error since 0 is not a character. On CCL it'll tell you explicitly to replace 0 with '0
<mfiano> back for a few before bed
<mfiano> kakuhen: known issue
<mfiano> sec
<mfiano> Also examples are not part of the standard, so don't take them too seriously
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<kakuhen> yeah I know its not part of the standard
<kakuhen> I just saw the example since it was something useful to me, and then I got curious if it was just ECL giving me problems or it's just a mistake in the CLHS example
<kakuhen> thanks for the link btw -- i wish i could've found this earlier.
<mfiano> also ask beach about WSCL
<hayley> minion: tell kakuhen about WSCL
<minion> kakuhen: WSCL: Well-Specified Common Lisp. Pronounce it as "whistle". A project to revise the Common Lisp standard in a non-controversial way. See https://github.com/s-expressionists/wscl
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<nij-> What's the relation between https://www.cs.cmu.edu/Groups/AI/html/cltl/clm/clm.html and CLHS?
<nij-> Which one is really the standard of CL?
<hayley> Neither CLtL book is considered representative of the language you use, but the HyperSpec is derived from the ANSI standard.
<Bike> CLtL2 was written during the standardization process, so it's not totally up with the standard
<nij-> Oh.. I see.
<Bike> but it is pretty close and sometimes easier to follow
<hayley> The prose in CLtL is more interesting, e.g. "Lisp implementations since Lisp 1.5 have had what was originally called ``the program feature,'' as if it were impossible to write programs without it!"
<nij-> I find cltl easier indeed.. sometimes
<hayley> "In certain implementations of Common Lisp they get away with it. Others abhor what they view as an abuse of unintended ambiguity in the language specification. For maximum portability, I advise users to steer clear of these issues."
<copec> CLtL is a fascinating read for historical insight
<copec> How CL formed
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<jcowan> Not only for that, but for explanations *why* features appear in the standard, something the dpANS and CLHS are sorely lacking
<nij-> Sounds like a good read.
<nij-> I cannot figure this out.. when I evaluate (asdf:defsystem..) I got the error pasted in the bottom. In the link you can also find the tree system too. https://bpa.st/AQYQ
<nij-> I've done several micro projects, copying and pasting the defsystem forms.. never had this problem before.
<lotuseater> you don't have to set the pointed named systems set in double quotes
<lotuseater> and try with ":serial t" maybe that works then
<nij-> Still doesn't work @_@
<beach> Good morning everyone!
<lotuseater> Hello beach :)
<nij-> Hello!
<lotuseater> I must admit, very impressive how you manage staying up so early every day.
<nij-> You mean me or beach?
<nij-> (It's 10:11pm here, btw.)
<lotuseater> I mean him.
<nij-> Oh ok.. iirc beach said that's a scripted good morning.
<beach> lotuseater: It's a genetic defect in my family. We can't help it. My parents were so bored at 4am that they got second jobs distributing newspapers.
<nij-> I wouldn't call it a defect.
<nij-> I still have no idea why the tree structure of my repo doesn't work ... @_@
<nij-> lotuseater: fixed with your advice: https://bpa.st/ ... same error though
<lotuseater> Oh I wasn't aware of such. But that way around one is more productive I think.
<nij-> Oops wrong link https://bpa.st/FBCA
<nij-> beach: If they are too bored, drive them to learn some lisp.
<nij-> They will never be bored again.
<lotuseater> nij-: Then genetic difference. That people can eat lactose products is also just possible by genetic mutations.
<lotuseater> and in the :components you surely need the double quotes as this is looking how files are named
<dieggsy> i think I asked this before, but does anyone know of a way of seeing uiop:run-program's :interactive output in the slime REPL buffer as opposed to the inferior lisp buffer ?
<Bike> if that's actually the directory structure I don't understand how the error is happening. I mean, if i'm reading correctly that package.lisp is in the same directory as fusion-category.asd.
<nij-> dieggsy: I wonder that too.
<dieggsy> basically it's kind of inconvenient to have to switch buffers or wait for :output t
<nij-> Iirc it's an unsolved issue.
<nij-> Bike: yes.
<nij-> \ @_@ /
<nij-> Oh interesting, I remove all the subdirectories (operator, ordered-set,..) and removed them from :depends-on accordingly, then it loads.
<nij-> god knows why it happens..
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<Bike> huh. maybe the error is botched. like the actual error is that asdf can't find the subsystems, but it reports it wrong.
<nij-> Am I supposed to evaluate (asdf:defsystem..) manually in the repl?
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<nij-> Ah, nvm. I end up using an simpler tree system. Thank you Bike and lotuseater :)
<Bike> you're not supposed to evaluate defsystem forms, no.
<Bike> you're supposed to tell asdf where asd files are and then let it handle them.
<lotuseater> or link the file symbolically to quicklisp/local-projects
<nij-> I see.
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<semz> and my connection drops the moment I say that. clearly the admins disagree
<semz> I don't know how easy it would be to redirect stdout to the slime buffer but that's the direction I'd go looking in
<nij-> It goes already into the inferior buffer, so it shouldn't be too hard..
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<nij-> dieggsy: In the first place, why are there any info that is sent to the inferior buffer but not the main slime buffer?
<nij-> Is there a filter that determines which should go into the main slime buffer? I guess there must be one in the source code.
<dieggsy> nij-: er, because of the way that slime is set up as a server/client and the funky things that have to happen to handle output
<dieggsy> it's not exactly deliberate AFAIK
<nij-> What is the inferior buffer doing there anyways?
<nij-> I mean, the hardest part seems to be catching what ever from the shell into emacs. Now they are in the inf buffer, meaning that this step is achieved already.
<dieggsy> Again, details i'm not well acquainted with to do with SLIME's architecture. If it was built on e.g. run-lisp it could all be on a single buffer, but it's not and there's not an option for that AFAIK. Would be neat. Something something pull request, I know. Maybe one day when I have a lot of time lol
<dieggsy> nij-: I think something about separating the actual running lisp from the client REPL is what splits the output in this fashion
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<dieggsy> makes you wonder if you couldn't just have some listener in emacs waiting around for inferior lisp to get output and just shoving it into the REPL buffer
<dieggsy> probably be real dirty though
<lukego> dieggsy: have you asked slime to globally redirect io? though I guess that's not enough if uiop is passing through the terminal's stdio file descriptors, you'd want some cooperation from uiop there. https://common-lisp.net/project/slime/doc/html/Global-IO-Redirection.html
<dieggsy> I'm fairly certain I tried that. I come back to this a lot. Can't hurt to try again later i suppose
<lukego> I wonder if that works better in Sly. I know they don't use the SLIME REPL code but I'm not sure if it's actually terminal I/O that you interact with there.
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<dieggsy> lukego: sly is actually what i use. output technically works worse lol
<dieggsy> slime has a stream flushing loop it uses for real time output that sly removed
<dieggsy> neither of these affect uiop:run-program IIRC though
<lukego> least messy solution that comes to my mind would be giving these subprocesses their own repl-like buffers where all their I/O happens in a raw form. pops up on output, type and press ENTER to send. I'm not sure how much of the necessary infra exists in SLIME/UIOP.
<dieggsy> lukego: not sure i follow that or how it's better than switching to the inferior lisp buffer i guess
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<nij-> (Partial) dieggsy: Sly prepares the main buffer in a message CONNECTION here and send it to slynk: https://github.com/joaotavora/sly/blob/master/sly.el#L1550
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<nij-> dieggsy: Here's where =sly= sends the finalized string to the socket: https://github.com/joaotavora/sly/blob/master/sly.el#L1618 . It uses the emacs built-in function #'process-send-string. An example usage of that is `(shell) (process-send-string (get-process "shell") "date\n")`. The first form calls shell and gives you a comint buffer, the second sends the process to shell. There's no other need to "listen", the result of `d
<nij-> up immediately in the comint buffer.
<nij-> This leads me believe that, at least in sly/slynk, how the message is received from the inferior process depends on comint.
<nij-> In the example of #'process-send-string above, we replace (get-process "shell") with (sly-connection) in our case. See for example, https://github.com/joaotavora/sly/blob/master/sly.el#L2627
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<nij-> What #'sly-connection returns in my case now, is given by #'sly-net-connect.
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<phoe> I am still searching for use cases for UIOP:DEFINE-PACKAGE's :UNINTERN keyword
<phoe> does anyone perhaps have any?
<beach> Maybe the author? Fare, I presume?
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<jcowan> The only thing I can think of is to make security-critical internal bindings unavailable even to ::.
<jcowan> kind of an anti-export
<phoe> that's a stretch
<phoe> I mean, I can understand this
<phoe> but still, this would belong to an UNINTERN call, rather than an UIOP:DEFINE-PACKAGE (re)definition
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<jcowan> The unintern call would have to appear at the end of the code itself, which kind of negates the idea that defsystem specifies the whole of a package's visibility.
<jcowan> But I am shooting fish in the dark
<phoe> yes, that is my main gripe with this idea
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<jcowan> These troubles are due to the very old decision that was is imported and exported are symbols, rather than the meaning(s) of symbols. Normally, when you import foo from package bar, you don't care about foo itself, what you want is the function or variable definition of it.
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<jcowan> s/was is/what is
<phoe> the issue is that "function or variable definition" are not first class concepts
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<phoe> same with class/type/whatever definition
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<lisp123> Does the hashing function used in CL for hash tables create unique hashes for each key hashed, or does it create non-unique hashes and then a secondary step is to take a list of elements on that hash to extract the right one?
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<Bike> i am not sure what "take a list of elements on that hash" means, but in general hashes can collide and the hash table implementation has to deal with collisions
<Bike> two keys hashing to the same hash can still have different values in the same table
<lisp123> Bike: Yes. In a book I am reading, if two keys hash to the same hash, the values are stored in something like an alist, so then one needs to extract the right element from that list
<Bike> that is one way to do it, but there are other ways
<lisp123> How frequent are collisions in the CL Hash Function?
<Bike> the hash function is totally implementation dependent.
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<Bike> of course hash tables are very useful and implementations generally try pretty hard to come up with hash functions with few collisions.
<lisp123> I was wondering if there was a trade off between computing the hash vs. reducing the number of collisions
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<Bike> well, sure there is. You could use (constantly 0) as a hash function and it would be very quick to compute, but severely degrade the performance of the table
<lisp123> Yes :)
<lisp123> Thanks for the color, looks like in general most hash tables have very few collisions
<jcowan> Per contra, there are ways to derive perfect hash functions if you know the set of keys in advance.
<Bike> if your hash function gives you a 64-bit word, it can distinguish eighteen quintillion objects. of course a real hash function isn't evenly distributed over all possible objects, but it can be pretty suboptimal while still working fine for a table with less than say a trillion entries
<Bike> a real hash function that isn't perfect
<lisp123> jcowan: Thanks, thats useful to know
<lisp123> Bike: Thanks, useful to know
<jcowan> For example, in protocol interpretation you may know that some string has a hundred valid values and you want to map it to some internal representation. A perfect hash function is ideal for this.
<lisp123> Why is that?
<lisp123> Is it because you don't have to compute the hash?
<lisp123> (actually ignore that0
<Bike> the opposite. you don't have to do any comparisons.
<lisp123> Oh yes, okay
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<utis> a simple cat in cl with (loop (write-line) (read-line)) works differently from a corresponding while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) putchar(c); in c: if you type foo<ctl-d>, the c program will duplicate the line immediately, on the same line, but the cl program requires either RET or /two/ ctl-d. why is that?
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<pjb> util: (loop :for ch := (read-char input nil nil) :while ch :do (write-char ch output) :finally (finish-output output))
<pjb> sorry s/util/utis
<pjb> utis: that's because read-line reads a line. Therefore it can ask the system to perform this line buffering, but using the line discipline on the input stream. C-d doesn't interrupt anything (contrarily to C-c); it just enqueues an end-of-file mark.
<pjb> utis: note: using read-char will probably use the same line discipline, so it'll behave the same.
<utis> pjb: sorry, i meant: read-char
<pjb> utis: you'd have to use implementation specific API to use the character discipline (raw-mode), or use FFI to use the I/O primitives of the system, like C does it.
<utis> so is there a way to get the behaviour of the c code?
<Xach> utis: use read-char instead of read-line.
<pjb> utis: you can get the behavior of the C code by doing exactly the same thing.
<utis> Xach: yeah, sorry that was just a typo, i did use read-char
<utis> pjb: ? if i did exactly the same thing i would be writing c and not cl
<pjb> utis: which means, not using CL operators, but using FFI to use the C operators. You could call getchar from CL. But note that getchar comes from libc, uses FILE, and buffering, and if the C program doesn't remove the line buffering, it'll behave like the CL library functions. Probably cat changes the buffering calling setvbuf https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Controlling-Buffering.html
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<pjb> utis: but you can also call directly syscalls from Common Lisp, ie. call ioctl(2), read(2) and write(2), to set the line discipline, and read character by character.
<pjb> utis: indeed.
<utis> pjb: thanks!
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<pjb> utis: but in standard conforming CL it's not possible to manage that. With clisp, you can use clisp specific functions such as ext:with-keyboard, or screen. https://clisp.sourceforge.io/impnotes/terminal.html#with-kbd or the SCREEN pacakge: https://clisp.sourceforge.io/impnotes/screen.html
<pjb> utis: you may also find a "portability library" which gives you access to the C libraries, such as eg. cl-charms (or cl-curses) to use ncurses, etc.
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<pjb> utis: you could use stty(1) to set C-d to signal an interrupt, and install a signal handler (but again, posix signal handlers are not defined by the CL standard, you'll have to use extensions or the FFI to do that).
<pjb> then you could use read-line or read-char, and get a lisp condition signaled when the posix signal is received. (it may be difficult to program correctly, given the restrictions on what you can do in signal handlers).
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<pjb> utis: perhaps more reasonable, would be to patch the CL implementations to provide the wanted feature, as an extension to the CL language (which is allowed by the CL standard). Since you could implement this extension in several (free-software) CL implementations, you'd have a strong proposition force there.
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<Josh_2> Now I'm in the correct room...
<Josh_2> With local-time is there a way to get the :min keyword to local-time:encode-timestamp to always return two digits?
<Josh_2> right now if the time is say 12 the string ends up as 12:0 which isn't right imo
<mfiano> Show your call
<Josh_2> Ideally I'd want 12 to show 12:00
<Josh_2> I can hack this together ofc
<mfiano> (:min 2)
<Josh_2> Epic tyvm!!
<mfiano> you likely want that for hour12 too
<mfiano> or maybe you don't. depends if you are trying to align text or not. I haven't played with local-time in a long time but maybe there's a way to change the zero pad character
<Josh_2> I am not trying to align text
<Josh_2> going for most aesthetic
<pjb> (local-time:format-timestring *standard-output* (local-time:universal-to-timestamp (get-universal-time)) '(:ordinal-day " of " :long-month " " :year " at " :hour12 ":" :min :ampm)) --> > Debug: Incorrect keyword arguments in ((:ordinal-day " of " :long-month " " :year " at " :hour12 ":" :min :ampm)) .
<pjb> Sorry, :format got dumped in the process.
<pjb> (local-time:format-timestring *standard-output* (local-time:universal-to-timestamp (get-universal-time)) :format '(:ordinal-day " of " :long-month " " :year " at " (:hour12 2) ":" (:min 2) :ampm)) #| 20th of August 2021 at 09:17pm --> "20th of August 2021 at 09:17pm" |#
<pjb> In any case, you don't want to use hour12, always use hour24!
<Josh_2> I cant watch that, blocked in the UK
<Josh_2> idk why I would want to watch tintin anyway
<Josh_2> also why wouldn't I want to use 12h? Looks nice
<lotuseater> wtf blocked
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<lotuseater> cause it's a bit inconsistens and you would have to shoulder a 'AM/PM
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<lotuseater> pjb: France gave us cool things like this :) or pink panther
<Josh_2> But I want am/pm
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<lotuseater> then provide a simple convertion method
<nij-> I can load maxima into a lisp repl, but it opens a maxima repl inside it :( Does anyone know how to interact with the maxima object it returns in the lisp repl?
<lotuseater> so the critical point in my opinion is this 12am/pm thing. or 0am/pm?
<lotuseater> nij-: you repeat yourself
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<nij-> lotuseater? You mean I've asked this before?
<lotuseater> yes in exact the same way 2 or 3 days ago
<nij-> I rephrased, and was seeking some more luck this time. Is repeating question not welcome here?
<lotuseater> I didn't say that.
<pjb> Josh_2: when I read TinTin destination Moon when I was a child I learned that using 12-hours could lead to catastrophic errors. I don't want to be as idiotic as the Dupont-Dupond (Thomson-Thompson). So ever since, I use 24 hours.
<nij-> Ok.. just let me know if it's not ok. I'm sure some of my behavior are frown upon by someone. I'm willing to coordinate :)
<pjb> nij-: maxima repl has a command to go back to a lisp repl.
<lotuseater> same questions from (different) users happen all the time
<pjb> nij-: and you have a way to call maxima functions from lisp (and lisp from maxima).
<pjb> nij-: just check the doc; I've not used maxima for too long, I don't remember how.
<lotuseater> oh nice, i thought in saying providing another main loop could be helpful
<lotuseater> pjb: he wants to work on the objects maxima produces
<nij-> pjb:No actually, it goes back to a lisp repl yes, but not my main lisp repl.
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<nij-> So in my workflow, I call sly/slynk, load in maxima, and open a maxima REPL in my lisp sly repl.
<nij-> And from there, I can open yet another lisp repl (the 3rd repl so far).
<nij-> But that's by no means my sly repl. The amount you can interact with it isn't as great as in SLY.
<Bike> a while back there was a maxima fork to make it more embeddable rather than more of a standalone application. i don't know how well it worked out though. https://github.com/bld/embeddable-maxima
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<Bike> the original forker seems to have deleted their repo for some reason...
<_death> gn
<nij-> Oh! Tried that several days but didn't work.. hmmmmm but I forgot why. I can do that again.
<lotuseater> or maybe having run maxima the way as slynk, sending messages to it for evaluation
<pjb> nij-: then perhaps you'll need to check the code for maxima, and see if there's a way to initialize it without entering its repl.
<pjb> nij-: it may be documented, but if not, use the source, Luke!
* nij- ducks. Ok, I will try the source!
<pjb> nij-: if you launch a swank server before launching maxima, it doesn't matter if it has its one repl, with swank you can create new repls, or evaluate expressions in threads.
<pjb> s/its one/its own/
<nij-> I don't see a way to use a swank server to talk to maxima either.. :(
<nij-> By default, the maxima ("to_lisp") lisp repl does not have asdf either. Any idea how I load asdf in maxima's lisp repl?
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<nij-> Bike: thanks :) emb-maxima fails to load here and generate the error https://bpa.st/A6YQ (in case you're interested.. )
<Bike> i have no idea what that means, sorry. i just remember hearing about embeddable maxima.
<nij-> Bike: sure, still a lot of thanks too :)
<nij-> By the way, for who is reading this log in the future, there's another reason why I think embeddable-maxima doesn't provide what I have above. It's a shallow reason though..:
<nij-> In its official page, there's a "USAGE" procedure: (ql:quickload :embeddable-maxima) (cl-user::run) run_testsuite(); quit();.. you can see that after #'run, it starts to use maxima's syntax. I think that means #'run is bringing me into a maxima repl as well.
<Bike> i would imagine so, yeah. i would hope that there are other ways to use it than calling (run). that's what i'd expect from being embeddable i guess
<nij-> No worries. I think my last resort is indeed the source, as pjb suggested.
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<lisp123_> Anybody here an expert / semi-expert / interested party in pathfinding algorithms?
<lisp123_> I have written something (a draft) that seems useful to me (in Common Lisp), but want to share for thoughts & to see if its different to a uniform cost search or any other established method - bit hard for me to follow
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<jasom> pjb: some of us need to support users as idiotic as Dupont-Dupond
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<anddam> semi-ot, can someone help me with Sly package not being able to connect to Slynk? https://termbin.com/wxp9
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<Josh_2> Why are you using clisp?
<Josh_2> Might be worth just trying SBCL/CCL
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<kakuhen> im more interested in why clisp is in /bin o.O
<kakuhen> sly works on my end with clisp, so I'm not sure what's going wrong with their setup
<kakuhen> anddam: I'm assuming you're invoking M-x sly and choosing the binary?
<anddam> kakuhen: /bin is likely due to Void's packaging choice
<anddam> kakuhen: I am opening a file in lisp-mode and then calling sly
<anddam> kakuhen: I have set the inferior lisp program to /bin/clisp
<kakuhen> btw it may be better to move this discussion to #emacs
<anddam> ok, I tried a couple times last few days
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<Josh_2> Can I make macros compile at runtime?
<Bike> could you elaborate on what exactly you want?
<Josh_2> I'm confused xD
<Josh_2> Okay, so I have a top level macro for writing web pages, however each of those macros will rely on information that doesn't exist until the system starts and is running
<Bike> You mean, how they expand depends on this information?
<moon-child> what sort of informatiaon?
<moon-child> they need this at expansion time?
<Josh_2> Runtime information
<Josh_2> well
<Josh_2> uh
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<Josh_2> I have my entry function that starts up hunchentoot and also sets the value of my variable *server* to a custom acceptor, my macros for writing webpages relies on *server* being that instance of my custom acceptor
<moon-child> why does the macro need that? That seems like something that could be dealt with by the generated code
<Josh_2> Because objects are put within that variable
<Josh_2> https://github.com/K1D77A/cl-bloggy/blob/master/src/test-server.lisp you can see what is almost happening here, the difference between that and what I'm doing is that I have (new-..) and (add-image ..) along with (make-instance 'bloggy-acceptor ) all inside the function that is executed when the program is started after a save-lisp-and-die
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<Josh_2> Well I can always put them into a directory near where it is built and then run load
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<Josh_2> :angry:
<Josh_2> Okay I figured it out :joy:
<pjb> jasom: oh, if it's a customer's required, then no problem, whatever they ask. They're paying they'll be paying to repair their catastrophes ;-)
<Josh_2> can I share information between compile time and run time? For example if I wanted to store a list of function names programmatically so that I could call them all at run time without having to manually write them down can I do that?
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<Josh_2> so I would compile, save-lisp-and-die, I'd have a macro that at compile time wrote a variety of function names into some variable, and then at runtime I can execute a function which would lookup all of the functions in that variable and execute them
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