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<zmatt> mattb0ne: in case you read this later, it's rather difficult to give feedback on this without the corresponding pru program. note that when the core is halted you can also write directly to core_0.r30 to change its outputs (with P9.25 controlled by bit 7 and P9.28 by bit 3)
<zmatt> so that's a simpler test to ensure there's no hw issue
<zmatt> when testing with a led, I do hope you have a sufficiently large series resistor (e.g. 1 kΩ or so, definitely no lower than 470 Ω)
<zmatt> btw, you should set the pinmux state to active _after_ initializing pruss, otherwise you may get a weird spike the first time after boot. this because the pru registers don't seem to have a hardware reset and as a result have random values at power-up, so if you then set the pinmux to active you end up driving those two pins to random levels
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<mattb00ne> thanks zmatt!
<mattb00ne> do you ever go on discord?