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<Guest14> is this channel dead
<Guest14> hello BTW
<Guest14> I saw the message about discord
<Guest14> I was wondering if much activity migrated over there
<jakllsch> feel free to ask
<Guest14> I am trying to trouble shoot a stepper motor that stop functioning suddenly
<Guest14> I swapped it out with an LED
<Guest14> and I am just trying to see it blink
<Guest14> I slowed down the pulse train so I could see it better but the light is not blinking. I checked the circuit
<Guest14> using the 3V rail
<Guest14> and that works
<Guest14> so I am confused why I cannot drive it via the pins
<Guest14> I will post my code
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<mjric> Guest14 -> MattB0ne
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<MattB0ne> that is better
<MattB0ne> ok I am stuck and perplexed
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<MattB0ne> this is the python code. my positive wire is connected P9.25 but I cannot get the light to flash
<MattB0ne> this use to work for the motors and I am just trouble shooting. light test should be simple. I dont want to undo my pin config since I use the overlays for that
<MattB0ne> here is my over lay
<MattB0ne> showpins
<MattB0ne> so the pinmux is correct. They should be active and toggling the voltage enough to turn on the LED.
<MattB0ne> not sure how to troubleshoot this
<MattB0ne> brb
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