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<alcob-tio53> hello, anyone has beagley-ai?
<outrageous> I have two of the ones that came out in 2019 or 2020, yes
<outrageous> I was thinking about stopping using BBB and replacing them with the BBAI. After testing I dropped that idea
<outrageous> err, nope, I have not owned the BeagleY-AI
<outrageous> I didn't even know about that one.
<outrageous> And the BB-AI seems to have been dropped.
<NishanthMenon> alcob-tio53: yep.. i have one at home, i guess
<NishanthMenon> alcob-tio53: you can get more people in discord
<alcob-tio53> NishanthMenon: ok thank you
<alcob-tio53> I have a BeagleY-AI , but I don't get video acceleration in firefox or vlc, now I'm using cinnamon image
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