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<set_> Dang! I finally figured out what split does...
<set_> Python3!
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<set_> Now, if I can only use it properly...Blah.
<set_> I have a file and it is wanting four values and it is getting one value:
<set_> Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the source so far?
<set_> line: 14 is the Value Error.
<set_> It is supposed to read from a file, Weather.txt, and split the data in a tuple to get ideas and to further investigate everything in the source.
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<set_> well, I broke it down a bit and I am stuck once more! On to why or how to exchange str to int in tuples or something...
<set_> Check out this error: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'int' and 'str'
* set_ says, "Right in the ole kisser."
<set_> Sheesh.
<set_> Okay. So, I got the source to run finally but I do not know for 100% why it is working now even though I listened, watched, and researched error codes.
<set_> Shucks, I am not even calling any libraries from the import python_not_built_in_libs.
<set_> I wasted all my time running to the error codes while I could have grasped something tangible and run that instead...
<set_> and those awful print functions do nothing...
<set_> Now, is it logical to care so much about some source...? No clue. But! It is worth it and I will keep it up. This source has been itching me and I am just starting it out for now.
<set_> Whelp...
<set_> The print functions are garbage for now...I will be working on the logic soon.
<set_> As the stick people like to say, "I am a-gonna fine tuned it."
<set_> The damn Phd. person teachin' the course did not even know how to solve his own equations or problems. I am out cold!
<set_> whelp, on to more chapters until I can configure what it is about that logic that is way off.
<set_> f works.
<set_> it prints a str but works. Sooner or later, this all goes to the BBAI-64.
<set_> the subtraction of print functions will be at the forefront! ha...
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