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<zmatt> what's your display resolution?
<zmatt> Siegurd:
<blathijs_> Hm, anyone know if the EMMC should be accessible by default when running from SD? I've booted a recent Debian 12 minimal image from rcn-ee from SD on a beaglebone black, and I only see /dev/mmcblk0 (SD card), not /dev/mmcblk1. I thought I might need to load an overlay, but the #disable_uboot_overlay_emmc=1 line in my uEnv.txt suggestes that the emmc overlay should be loaded by default. I suspect
<blathijs_> that the issue might be that u-boot on this board is old (since that still runs from EMMC IIRC) and does not know how to apply overlays yet.
<blathijs_> Is there a way to flash just u-boot, instead of overwriting the entire eMMC with the flasher image?
<Siegurd> @zmat 1920x1080
<zmatt> blathijs_: there is, though to flash that you'll need to have /dev/mmcblk1 showing up in the first place
<zmatt> blathijs_: try holding down the S2 button (the one closest to the card slot) while powering on (you can let go once the power led turns on)
<zmatt> Siegurd: pretty sure you can't even configure that high fps at that resolution the bbb?
<zmatt> *on the bbb
<Siegurd> ok, what about 30FPS?
<blathijs_> zmatt: Ah right, I was halfway remembering that option. IIUC pressing S2 will force the lower level bootloader to load u-boot from SD, right?
<zmatt> blathijs_: yeah, S2 gets sampled at power-on and will cause bootrom to completely ignore the eMMC hence will load u-boot from SD instead
<zmatt> (note: doesn't get resampled at reboot, only at power-on)
<blathijs_> zmatt: Works like a charm, thanks!
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<zmatt> Siegurd: 30 fps is theoretically supported yeah, but updating a framebuffer of that size at that rate on a beaglebone will probably require code that's pretty well-optimized for the platform
<zmatt> but I feel like it should be possible
<Siegurd> I tried matplotlib but its way too slow
<zmatt> with what output backend
<zmatt> ?
<zmatt> like, using x11 in the first place will probably make it impossible to reach any useful performance target at that resolution
<zmatt> no matter what library you use
<zmatt> but rendering directly to a framebuffer also requires care... access patterns that may be perfectly fine for cacheable memory may have terrible performance for non-cacheable memory like a framebuffer
<zmatt> (basically anything other than NEON-writes)
<Siegurd> hmm, x11 is something new to me
<zmatt> you're not using x11?
<zmatt> I assumed you were but I guess it depends on what backend you're using
<Siegurd> I thought about using some kind of library in GUI mode, but X11 will also be ok.
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<Siegurd> Mybe gnuplot will be faster
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<jkridner> zmatt: we have an oscillator issue?
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<zmatt> jkridner: nah we have one device whose oscillator frequency shifted dramatically somewhere between us and the customer
<jkridner> k
<zmatt> super weird, I wonder if the quartz crystal itself managed to get damaged by physical shock/vibration
<zmatt> the beaglebone's oscillator *is* consistently a few dozen ppm too fast though
<zmatt> like 30-40 ppm at room temperature, more at higher temperature
<zmatt> Siegurd: I'm confused what you mean
<zmatt> Siegurd: regardless, like I said, using x11 is not going to get you 1080p30 on a beaglebone
<zmatt> at least I very much doubt that
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