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<Siegurd> Hi! Does anyone has BBB ADC C/C++ example which uses a bufer (/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device0/buffer)?
<set_> Sorry. Wrong one.
<set_> is something I found... Now, it will help w/ finding the culprit but it also has a buffer!
<set_> I think it reads until 640 bits are processed and/or 99 ms is delivered. Which ever first?
<set_> off to test.
<Siegurd> I found this example but couldn't get it to work
<set_> The buffer example is not working for me just yet.
<set_> I tried w/ it as a .c and then a .cpp file. I also tried #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
<set_> I erased some parts and added some other parts.
<set_> So far, no go.
<Siegurd> I think it has nothing to do with the ADC
<set_> You are right but you can put the adc fd in it.
<set_> Get a dummy board!
<set_> This way, you do not mess up your build.
<Siegurd> reading adc chaneel in raw mode is slow and not recomended. Only buffer can give something around 200000 readings in second
<set_> Oh. I just do not know what this does for now: 'A'
<set_> The rest of the heap can be scrapped.
<set_> it is fast!
<set_> I got like 40000000000 in seconds. Although it is just 'A'.
<set_> is something I will try w/ the ADC soon.
<set_> Make sure you CTRL-C that test before it eats up everything.
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<set_> Hello?
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<set_> Oh! buffer
<set_> I see it now.
<set_> Sorry. I thought we would read and then create output from the read.
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