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<Sai-Kiran> Hi. I am using Beaglebone Black. I am trying to use "swupdate". For that, I need fw_env.config file. Is there any default config file, for Beaglebone Black?
<Sai-Kiran> I am using uboot 2022.01
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<Parduz> hello, i've been asked about the feasibility of two different project using a BBB: a stage teleprompter (so, a TV showing the lyrics) and a MIDI ROMpler (playing samples on MIDI notes with almost no latency, round-robin algorythm, etc). I wonder if they could be made without linux, so just building a firmware that does the job, with the less possible boot time. Still needing a file system, the HDMI and USB working. Any
<Parduz> thought, suggestion, sample?
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<zmatt> Parduz: (in case you read the irc logs later): "playing samples on MIDI notes with almost no latency" ... sounds like maybe you want to look at bela.io ? you might also be able to just straight up implement it on PRU
<zmatt> HDMI and USB are complex to get working, the HDMI framer doesn't really have public documentation
<zmatt> (in general, HDMI-related stuff tends to be under NDA)
<zmatt> well, it has *some* documentation, but not enough info to actually get it working (e.g. no register documentation)
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<zmatt> looks like nowadays nxp doesn't even acknowledge its existence anymore
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