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<Psil0> Hey guys
user9d has joined #beagle
<Psil0> i have a question, i have a beagleboard i want to flash i forgot the password i set
<Psil0> for the linux OS I placed on it, what is the best guide to completely whipe the NVRAM or what ever stored the flashed OS...I had run.
<Psil0> so i want to basically flash the OS, that boots without an SD Card, I had done something when I had first gotten it, and than completely forgot the root pw, and want to reuse it...
<Psil0> onlyway is now with a SD Card? Or can i again somehow format it, and push the OS onto the actual motherboard or what not , sorry not hardware technical.
<user9d> lash it with a string uh' ram loader while the root shall indicate maleableness then send the database through the hole while trying keyword search uh' the to selection while trying something new then read random manuals then magic solutions accordfdgsdfs blahblah this is like doctorates 8 team member botting skills needed here
<Psil0> ha ha
<Psil0> ok
<Psil0> ^
<Psil0> serious answers plz
<Psil0> on how to flash basic board, the guides i find are poorly defined.
<Psil0> back to default.
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<Psil0> all files on this page are not working
<Psil0> if anyoe knows what guide is the most up to date to flash beaglebone black
<Psil0> please
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