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<fuser> Big daddy start to do
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<fuser> So lAnge
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<set_> How could you?
<set_> Jokin' and stuff over here... Did anyone see my latest plea for the masters to handle the load yet on the forums?
<set_> Me...small time. You, you know what you are doing.
<set_> So, I reach out every so often instead of flooding the brand w/ false statements (I think).
<set_> Anyway, if someone gets around to it. I am working w/ a GPS module and GPSD on Debian Bullseye.
<set_> I am trying to flush some PPS statements from GPSD which they say is possible.
<set_> But, if it is not worthy of time or effort. Fine by me. It is not me who really wants it done.
<set_> I just wanted to assist again.
<set_> I made a dts file. The dts file showed no form of error but the unbootable BBBlue showed its side of things.
<set_> I do not have to run. I can sit here. But! I will check back later, tator! Who knows what ideas and facts will be displayed? Who?
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<set_> Hello out there! There! There!
<set_> Forget it.
<set_> geez.
<set_> People are way to busy to deal w/ me. Understanding takes patience and fortitude. .
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