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<Guest4494> I've got a BBB rev C booting from the Debian 9.9 LXQT image on an SD card.  Connman says eth0 is set to use DHCP, but it's not getting an IP address and is using a 169.254.x.x address instead (which does me no good).  I notice on my switch that the LED for the port the BBB is plugged into is not lit up (and I've moved it a couple times)
<Guest4494> suggesting the device is not powered up.  Is there something in connmanctl I have toggle/enable for eth0 to use dhcp/request an address?
<Guest4494> The connman GUI says the Wired Technology is powered on, and it lists the wired connection under Services.
<Guest4494> Hmm, I see the LED on my switch does blink about once every couple of seconds (all the other devices plugged into the switch have their LEDs on steady).
<Guest4494> I just found the monthly snapshots.  I'll try the 10.x LXQT snapshot to see if it does any better (I'd rather be on 10.3 anyway).
<Guest4494> What is the difference between the 10.x LXQT TIDL snapshot and the non-TIDL snapshot?
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