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<Siegurd1> Hello! I tried to compile the kernel in order to somehow try the work of the tdm-audio driver, but unfortunately without success. . I would be grateful for help.
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<zmatt> Siegurd1: I have no idea why that build is failing for you, I've never seen that error, but also I really wouldn't recommend using that kernel since it's quite ancient and has lots of weird patches
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<zmatt> Siegurd1: I've pushed an update to the DT overlay to use the spdif-dir codec driver instead, which is annoying because it means the kernel won't be able to ensure that the correct format is configured (that burden will be on userspace instead) but at least it should work
<Siegurd1> Ok, let me check it
<zmatt> and plan B is still PRU... or maybe it ought to be plan A since ALSA is annoying, but PRU has a bit of learning curve and I'm not sure if I have time to make an example
<Siegurd1> ok, system starts with new ad7771-mcasp0.dtbo. What should I check next?
<Siegurd1> I get error:
<Siegurd1> Maybe the reason of error is absence of the ALSA development package or other device that sould be installed?
<Siegurd1> If spdif-dir codec driver will work that would be great and I think I can put up with setting AD7771 parameters from a С/С++ program.
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<zmatt> no this just indicates an issue in my device tree overlay, hold on lemme see
<zmatt> I'm a bit confused by it
<zmatt> it seems mcasp0 is for some reason missing its #sound-dai-cells property in the base dts
<zmatt> weird, seems like a bug in the base dts to me
<zmatt> but I'll add it to the overlay
<zmatt> oh I did also forget it in my dai declaration
<zmatt> pushed to git
<Siegurd1> got it
<Siegurd1> ok, error is gone
<zmatt> woo
<Siegurd1> AD7771 is card0 device
<zmatt> now of course that doesn't mean it *works* but it's a step
<zmatt> actually, something you should probably verify without having the AD7771 physically attached is that attempting to use the device doesn't cause any signal to be driven by the beaglebone onto the clk or fs pins
<zmatt> it shouldn't, but check it anyway since in my experience the clock configuration of the mcasp alsa driver can be a bit fickle
<Siegurd1> how it can be checked?
<zmatt> although I think it's mostly the sysclk configuration which is really wonky so it should probably be fine
<zmatt> (since you're not using sysclk here, that's generated on your ad7771 eval board)
<zmatt> ah if you don't have any easy way to check for that (i.e. a scope) then never mind I guess
<zmatt> hmm, I'm pretty sure I have a mcasp diagnostic utility somewhere, hold on
<Siegurd1> it prints disabled
<zmatt> yes it can only show info while the port is being used
<zmatt> i.e. while you're trying to capture data
<Siegurd1> so if I vill open asp-monitor in another terminal while opening AD771 file descriptor it should print enabled wright?
<zmatt> it will print a bunch of info
<Siegurd1> maybe cat command will show some RAW data for test?
<zmatt> I don't know if that works and obviously you wouldn't want raw audio data to be sent to your terminal, also it would be completely misconfigured
<Siegurd1> true
<zmatt> use arecord with the correct settings (S32 format, 8 channels, 192 kHz sample rate)