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<set_> Is it possible to transition from ADC values to GPIO which would turn into motion?
<set_> i.e. for instance, like in a motor or some form of actuator.
<set_> Let me say this...
<set_> I am using the BeagleV-Ahead w/ Load Cape.
<set_> The ADC source is working due to and the Load Cape works due to some firmware written by someone...
<set_> I mean. Would I need a couple of separate functions to deal w/ the abstraction or can I just logic it.
<set_> Right now, things are awkward and further more, the source is scary.
<set_> <<< Doin' It!
<set_> "It sounded like a good idea!"
<set_> I just understood the issue. There is more to keeps getting more complicated. So, one route/turn of the motor via values works but all I have currently is unidirectional valuing.
<set_> "I think."
<set_> <<< back to the reading!
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<set_> !
<set_> All I know is it not highly tested (on my side of things)...
<set_> So far, no errors reported. Highly acceptable and supper of kings for me!
<set_> Okay, off to la-la-la land again.
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