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<mattb0ne> will this damage the pins
<mattb0ne> i am worried because they stop working
<mattb0ne> and I am running out of options
<mattb0ne> the motor runs though
<mattb0ne> so I am not sure whats up
<mattb0ne> the open collector in the middle is a PmodOC1
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<set_> mattb0ne: would GND be the issue? I am not saying attach GND w/out extra circuitry but the GND on the "tranformer" needs a GND.
<set_> I usually try a converter. So, 12v to 5v or 12v to 3.3v would be better.
<set_> Issue 1. I cannot test physically.
<set_> Issue 2. Those odd CL86T controllers seem to be eccentric.
<set_> I remember looking them up a while back.
<set_> Anyway, all things should be tied to GND, e.g. BBB, "transformer", and pmodOC1, and CL86T.
<set_> what version do you have?
<set_> I found a good site that has info.
<set_> if you have version 3, use 5v only.
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<set_> I also see this...
<set_> Logic Signal Current: 7~16mA (Typical 10mA)
<set_> The PRU at 3.3v only allows for 4mA typical.
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<set_> it seems you would have to slow down the PRU too.
<mattb0ne> i have v4
<mattb0ne> i am using 5V logic
<set_> Okay.
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<set_> How many BBBs or other pieces of technology do you have to test?
<set_> For instance, an idea is to grab a cheaper board to test for functionality.
<set_> So, just some hints here:
<set_> 1. PRU 3.3v GND
<set_> 2. 3.3v to 5v GND
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<set_> But, everything should be on the same GND to distinguish oper. voltages.
<set_> For instance, I have a L293 that can be controlled via the 4mA.
<set_> But, my motor is controlled via 9v or 12v.
<set_> it cuts the voltage but boosts the overall current.
<set_> also...mattb0ne: Look to TI docs on the same hardware. They have plenty of ideas circuilating.
<set_> So, if you have a converter or amp or whatever, they have similar docs. on basic connections.
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<set_> guard your PRU and amp it! I did it w/ a UC263 and some other chip from ti. I want to say it was a 1949...
<set_> The 3.3v pins on the BBB only provide 4mA.
<set_> So, you may want to boost the 4mA to at least 7mA or more depending on your build.
<set_> so, some chip or combination of circuitry that can allow for more current is the idea.
<set_> increase voltage, descrease resistance, and then alter as needed until the circuit can supply 10mA typically.
<set_> anyway, boost converters will take care of the voltage. Then, you will need some resistance but I am sure you can get that idea down pat. Later for now!
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<set_> So, I found a site w/ their products.
<set_> You can probably find the exact match in time.
<set_> i am reading one that can accept almost 24v w/ a 3.3v inut and can output 0.09a.
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<zmatt> mattb0ne: why are you running the 5V through the PmodOC1 module? that's weird and pointless. and why are you using a separate 5V supply? use the 5V output (SYS_5V) from the beaglebone. also you swapped CW+ with CW- in your drawing (likewise CCW+ and CCW-)... I hope that's just a mistake in your drawing
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<zmatt> are you saying you're getting more gpios damaged? that's.. concerning. I don't see an obvious way you could accomplish that with this schematic. the base resistors of the PmodOC1 are maybe *slightly* lower than ideal but the resulting current shouldn't be damaging I think
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<Guest64> hi!
<Guest64> anyone online ?
<Guest64> aight il dump my question as a dig further in the matter. i have some lucidvision camera and a beaglebone AI-64 i need to pair it with. im currently looking at enabling the jumbo packet on the beaglebone any of you have done this before ?
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