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<set_> I got some tiny fans...
<set_> I cannot wait to test 'em. They came w/ glue. I am going to glue them to my BBB and let the good times roll!
<set_> Does the PCA9685 get hot, too hot, when over doing it a bit w/ some source?
<set_> Or better yet, is there a way to test the heat of the PCA9685 outside of thermal imagery?
<set_> And I got this ebay find thing. I think it is supposed to be handled by counters or digital readheads (if they work).
<set_> So, it is (encoder velocity (m/s) / resolution (um)) * 4 (safety factor)
<set_> So, from 5 to 20 MHz frequencies, I can find the answer of if they work...
<set_> The thing I found came w/ a stepper motor and some slides and the dang comparison voltage is 5v. Blah.
<set_> optical encoders! It is the old way of reading...
<set_> RS232!
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<set_> What technology would I use that is located on my BBB to read an optical encoder?
<set_> i.e. not PRU.
* set_ starts small and finishes smaller!
<set_> Can the PWM peripherals onboard the BBB handle 20MHz?
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<set_> So, eCAP and eQEP or either or?
<set_> Off to the forums!
<set_> It is kind of late on a Fri. Funday. I will retire for now!
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<set_> Man...the retired life feels icky. Back to the BBB!
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<arti4-92> Hello
<arti4-92> My name is Artur, a come frome Poland, im engeener of electronics that is eployed as electronic circuit construktor
<arti4-92> I have a question
<arti4-92> Due to my need of learning linux
<arti4-92> how to check with what version of uboot my patch file is compatabile?
<arti4-92> i want to compile newest version of uboot for beaglebone black, or toradex colibri pxa270 as a training
<arti4-92> have some old patch files that i found on a web
<arti4-92> but while compiling sources console returns me warnings about timer and ethernet
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<AKN> Hi Everyone, Found the issue for ti-sgx-ddk-um issue i posted earlier meta-agl-bsp has bbappend file for ti-sgx-ddk-um
<AKN> After commenting out the bbappend file image is compiling without any issue.
<jsolano> Hi all, anybody had any luck compiling device tress (am335x-boneblack.dtb) on a recent linux kernel? I am using stable 6.1.
<jsolano> I keep getting errors due to include paths missing, basically include/dt-bindings is not available to the am33xx.dtsi. Some people had luck adding a sim link to include/dt-bindings at the right place within the dts area, but that does not work foe me
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<med> hello can anyone explain this error for me please "Error: EINVAL: invalid argument, write"
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<zmatt> jsolano: ehh, you mean you're trying to build the dtbs included within a kernel tree?
<zmatt> you definitely shouldn't need to symlink anything
<zmatt> within the kernel tree they're normally of course built as part of the overall kernel build process, but no doubt there's a make target to build just the dtbs or even just a single dtb
<zmatt> my first guess would just be "make ARCH=arm arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack.dtb" in the root of the kernel tree
<zmatt> there's also the repo that make it convenient to just rebuild device trees, but these are specifically the device trees of rcn's -bone and -ti series kernels
<zmatt> (which are the kernels typically used on beaglebones)
<jsolano> zmatt: you said it more clearly than I did, right, I am trying to build the dtbs included within the kernel tree. If I build a kernel with make zImage e.g., the dtbs do not get built. With older kernels some time ago I had to do make dtbs, but that does not work now with 6.1
<jsolano> ARCH is en env variable, I just do "make am335x-boneblack.dtb", and that fails with the missing path to dt-bindings/bus/ti-sysc.h
<zmatt> not sure what could be broken, rcn's build script for kernel 6.1 just seems to do make dtbs:
<jsolano> this is a vanilla kernel, I am assuming the only reason why "make dtbs" does not work is a bug on this kernel. Some people have had to use these simlinks to fix it, which in my case does not work
<jsolano> thanks, I will try tomorrow with rcnÅ's script
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<Guest2754> I am trying to build kernal for Beaglebone black after a long time and i realised that  now the /arch/arm folder donot have the  bb.org_defconfig  what is the config file that should be use now?
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