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<PeterChen> arnd: I have a patchset pending about 2 weeks for cix soc support, are there any things I need to do?
<PeterChen> Would you please have a look? thanks.
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<krzk> PeterChen: if you do not send it to maintainers, no one will apply it, so no need for pinging :)
<krzk> PeterChen: There is a guide in kernel about new soc upstreaming also telling where to send the patch and the difference between review process and sneding for merging
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<krzk> PeterChen: please read maintainer-soc really thorough, because it explains it. Useful to read also maintainer-soc-clean-dts
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<PeterChen> krzk: thanks, let me read it.
<arnd> PeterChen: I'm sorry I dropped the ball on this, should have replied earlier. I'm still trying to pick up the final bits for the merge window and should be able to get to it soon
<maz> PeterChen: I would have appreciated being CC'd on this, since I reviewed some of the previous versions. not cc'ing reviewers isn't very good practice.
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<PeterChen> maz: I am sorry about it, I will cc you if there is another version.
<PeterChen> arnd: thanks
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<ajb-linaro> is there anywhere I can go spurlunking in the kernel to find out why IO tasks are unkillable and unstraceable?
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<arnd> ajb-linaro: I would start by looking at /proc/$PID/stack, which should give you a backtrace if it's stuck in the kernel
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<ajb-linaro> ardb I guess waiting and never waking up after the PCI device is re-enabled ^
<ardb> arnd: ^^^
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<ajb-linaro> ardb: sorry about that ;-)
<ardb> no worries, first time this happened :-)
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<arnd> ajb-linaro: right, this is just the normal uninterruptible wait for an I/O device in blk_wait_io(). There is no timeout and no way to kill the task. The observer behavior is very similar for a device that is completely stuck (no longer causing interrupts) and one that is just really slow (writing lots of data to a slow SD card)
<arnd> what type of device are you reading from?
<ajb-linaro> arnd: virtio-block device using a virtio-pci transport
<ajb-linaro> ^ that is how the test toggles the PCI Command Register's Bus Master Enabling and I guess it never recovers
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<arnd> ajb-linaro: I can see how turning off DMA while the block layer is waiting for a DMA completion will cause it to wait forever, but I'm not sure if that is actually the problem.
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<biju> geertu: can-transceiver-phy can-phy0: /can-phy0: failed to get mux-state (0)
<mmind00> arnd: looks like I was slightly too late for your soc-run yesterday, but ... reverts a commit that I wrongly applied
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<arnd> mmind00: are the commits the identical? I can merge your pull request, but I worry that this would make things worse if 'git merge' ends up doing the revert on top of the original commit once it gets to torvalds. Not sure if that's still a problem in git these days, but I've seen it happen in the past
<arnd> if two identical patches are in different branches, just leaving them there is usually easier
<mmind00> arnd: yes the commits are identical ... just the Signed-off-by is different of course ... and the linux-next scripts complained
<mmind00> arnd: ok, if leaving it in works, then ignore the pull-request please :-)
<arnd> mmind00: ok, I've marked the #3 PR as superseded now, as sfr wrote the commits are identical but this did not cause problems
<mmind00> arnd: thanks :-)
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