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<bjdooks> I would like to propose anyone who decides they would like to make things alphabetical instead of adding to the end of dt properties be subjected to unspeakable horrors
<Xogium> bjdooks: don't make them unwritable horrors, or they won't work ;)
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<arnd> geertu: I'm trying to do some cross-architecture asm/io.h cleanups and can't make sense of the m68k readw()/write() helpers, maybe you have an idea what is going on:
<arnd> - if ATARI_ROM_ISA is enabled, or both ISA and ATARI_ROM_ISA are disabled, they access a little-endian 16-bit word at the address, which matches what readl/writel do
<arnd> - if amiga pcmcia is enabled and detected but ATARI_ROM_ISA is turned off, they access a 16-bit big-endian word at the address
<arnd> if Q40 is enabled and detected, the pointer is offset by 0xff800000 before accessing a little-endian word, similarly to how port numbers are offset
<arnd> As far as I can tell, nothing relies on the big-endian mode or the offset and they should just map to in_le16/out_le16 unconditionally. Did I miss something or should I send a patch?
<arnd> geertu: these are the drivers in m68k defconfig that use one of the {io,}{read,write}{b,w,8,16} functions and would get different behavior based on configuration:
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<bjdooks> a ytk
<bjdooks> anyone tried a bana pi router board?
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