ChanServ changed the topic of #armlinux to: ARM kernel talk [Upstream kernel, find your vendor forums for questions about their kernels] |
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<krzk> arnd: all my parts look merged, thanks!
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<solom> Hi, i have lost all my saved money to FTX jews around 20000 dollars.
<solom> Please help me live. Please help me.
<solom> BTC :   bc1q9vfmfwj6av9pxj50r6xyl652mwhqvw5ds86nw2
<solom> xmr: 44QNNugXXCWUcUGi7UGsRM4pqnKKmn4zYjcZT3BnNHWBWyXRoe4mfLwT5L67kGyTLu76c1hmPV7QKZESP9w7bQ7m8Y1VUgx
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