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<gtucker> ardb: Hello, there was a bisection on your for-kernelci branch but it seems like it's fixed now
<gtucker> If you didn't know about this particular issue then I can send an email with some details, let me know
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<ardb> gtucker: thanks but i managed to track it down already
<ardb> manual bisect using my for-kernelci branch :-)
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<gtucker> ardb: That's what I thought :) Thanks for confirming
<gtucker> ardb: Next time, maybe check in the kernelci-results archive first in case there's a bisection report that hasn't been shared yet
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<ardb> gtucker: where would i find that?
<ardb> to be fair, it wasn't a true bisect, i just hacked and uploaded, rinse, repeat
<ardb> very useful though
<gtucker> Then you can search "ardb/for-kernelci bisection"
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<codecolla> Hi all, I'm trying to build linux kernel for beagle bone black wifi. I was told "No rule to make target 'firmware/am335x-pm-firmware.bin" by make, may I done something wrong?
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<mkl> codecolla: wget\;a=blob_plain\;f=bin/am335x-pm-firmware.bin\;hb=HEAD -O kernel/firmware/am335x-pm-firmware.bin
<codecolla> ho, I'm gonna check both now
<codecolla> Pre-compiled power management firmware
<codecolla> that's what you gove to me?
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