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I need some help
I have an ODROID C4
and I installed today armbian Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble) KDE Neon
all was perfect, I was uptaing it all via ssh, when it said : System is going suspended,
or something similar, I did not disable suspend in settings and it did it right
the problem is now I can't start again the device
there is just a red light on, and won't boot up, not via WOL or gpio (I did not activated any of that because I was just installing)
any ideas? THANKS!
removing the power supply won't work either
[Discord] <Werner> For debugging boot issues you need to attach a serial console, for example with an USB UART adapter. Provide us with the logs
I think the system is just suspended adn is waiting pfor a power button or somethink to wake up, or it is just bricked?
I have not and USB UART...
[Discord] <Werner> Having such a thing is the best and most of the time the only way to get an idea what happens inside. Thankfully these things are dirt cheap
my question could be? is GPIO power buttons activated by default in armbian ? and if they are, which ones should I use?
[Discord] <Werner> I don't have this board so cannot tell.
if not, the only solution I see is to buy the USB UART
[Discord] <Werner> Or do power cycle
I tried to look at docs, but I can't find how GPIO are configure by default in armbian for odroid c4
power cycle? could you elaborate?
[Discord] <Werner> disconnect PSU
I did that already
when I plug it again it still looks like suspended
[Discord] <Werner> I see. Well then without boot logs hard to tell what's wrong
I think the system is just suspended
or maybe not..
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any USB UART should work with odroid C4? or need something especial?
[Discord] <Werner> Baud rate is 115200 so pretty much any should do. But I'd recommend getting one that supports 1.5Mbaud at least so just by chance when you get a rockchip based sbc you can debug that too