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[Discord] <backslash9341> Can accept a filename variable to adjust the built image filename?
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[Discord] <fensoft> hi, i'm on rpi4, i have a lot of *.dtbo in /boot/dtb/overlays but when I add overlays=i2c0 in /boot/armbianEnv.txt i still dont have /dev/i2c0 and nothing in dmesg about overlay
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[Discord] <fensoft> mmm just found /boot/firmware, looks like i need to edit config and overlays here
[Discord] <fensoft> but still no /dev/i2c0 😦
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[Discord] <viraniac> if I recall correctly i2c devices have names like i2c-0. I don't know if you misspelled it here or you are looking for wrong device on your pi4 as well
[Discord] <viraniac> Also there are no logs shared, so can't check that either
[Discord] <viraniac> In short not enough information to help you out in any meaningfull way
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[Discord] <backslash9341> Okay thanks.
[Discord] <backslash9341> Is there a way to stop the onboarding process at first run? As in, when the device boots up with Armbian, can it just login as a pre-defined user?
[Discord] <backslash9341> I have an application that starts at boot and I'm not sure if the onboarding process is stopping that at all.
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[Discord] <c0rnelius77> @fensoft enable `dtparam=i2c_arm=on` in the config.txt and reboot. If it doesn't show in /dev, than`sudo modprobe i2c-dev` and check /dev again `ls /dev/i2c*`. If it shows after loading the module, add it to /etc/modules.
[Discord] <fensoft> it works with dtoverlay=i2c0 + i2c-dev in /etc/modules, thanks
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[Discord] <c0rnelius77> k
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[Discord] <darth_dan> Hi!
[Discord] <darth_dan> I'm trying to build Armbian for a Rock 4 SE, and am going through the building guide for that reason.
[Discord] <darth_dan> One of the requirements is "VirtualBox or similar virtualization software" - may I ask, for what reason? Is that strictly necessary or is it there for testing?
[Discord] <darth_dan> Also, "**The officially supported compilation environment is Ubuntu Jammy 22.04.x amd64 only!**" - does this mean that if I have an Intel processor, I will have issues?
[Discord] <darth_dan> Or am I supposed to use the VirtualBox to emulate that architecture?
[Discord] <darth_dan> Does VirtualBox even emulate different processor architectures?..
[Discord] <Tonymac32> no, it is just pporly worded for Intel x64
[Discord] <Tonymac32> ia64, whatever else it might be called
[Discord] <darth_dan> But I _am_ supposed to run Ubuntu Jammy 22.04, either via VM or natively, am I getting this part right?
[Discord] <Tonymac32> yep
[Discord] <darth_dan> THank you
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[Discord] <Tonymac32> I've had luck with using WSL 2 on windows 10 and 11 if yo uhave that as a host, but your mileage may vary
[Discord] <Tonymac32> lbviously ubuntu 22.04 as the guest os
ello discord ppls
[Discord] <darth_dan> Hi o/
[Discord] <darth_dan> Honestly WSL had been a bit funky for my understanding... I'm thinking I might make a bootable USB for this.
[Discord] <infinity_q> Infinity_Q: ello Me
[Discord] <infinity_q> and howdy do?
[Discord] <darth_dan> Keeping on, ain't complaining. Pretty tired but hoping to finally get this project moving along tonight.
[Discord] <darth_dan> And you?
[Discord] <infinity_q> I'm hanging in there, no real complaints. I'm working on getting a homebrew NAS up and running
[Discord] <misteki> yeah might be easier to just make a live usb rather than faffing around with wsl
[Discord] <misteki> that's what i would do anywho
[Discord] <darth_dan> Good to hear.
[Discord] <darth_dan> And - ooh. I've actually have two projects going - one is to set up my new (and first!) SBC, the intended use for it is to gather data on some WebAPIs and potentially also run a Discord bot and some data processing stuff to communicate with CC programs on some Minecraft servers...
[Discord] <darth_dan> The second is that I'm putting together a whole "retro" PC out of of cheap outdated parts... Still not sure what to use it for lol
[Discord] <darth_dan> Thank you for your input!
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[Discord] <infinity_q> cool! what SBC did you settle for?
[Discord] <darth_dan> Rock 4 SE, as I mentioned in my initial question
[Discord] <infinity_q> sorry, I didn't scroll back far enough and wasn't looking when the conversation started 😅
[Discord] <infinity_q> looks like a good board
[Discord] <darth_dan> Yeah. It's not top of the line but it feels like a very solid balance of cost and performance. It's got so many features I'd really like to try tho - like that audio output for example - that I likely won't have a use for... But I guess that'll always be the case with getting a _computer_ lol. I'm too used to embedded stuff and tailoring a device to a single purpose.
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