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[Discord] <beohoff3174> The amount of work to shut on/off a monitor... insane
[Discord] <beohoff3174> It's like 150 lines of code
[Discord] <beohoff3174> you have to get a connector, to get an encoder, to get a crtc (controller), to then finally be able to shut something off
[Discord] <beohoff3174> I don't actually think I'm doing it right because there's still something known as planes that I'm not interfacing with, but I think it works well enough for my use case potentially
[Discord] <dams0869> Hello, I installed armbian gnome mainline rolling release on my ssd (rock5b), I am rather satisfied except for an omnipresent coil whine. I have just tested a version 6.1 on sd and I have no coil whine, but the most surprising thing is that when rebooting I noticed that there was no more coil whine on my mainline version on ssd. on the other hand once I turn off and on the horrib <clipped message>
[Discord] <dams0869> le coil whine comes back, does this come from the u-boot according to you? and if so is it possible to mix the u-boot vendor with the mainline version?
[Discord] <dams0869> Hello, I installed armbian gnome mainline rolling release on my ssd (rock5b), I am rather satisfied except for an omnipresent coil whine. I have just tested a version 6.1 on sd and I have no coil whine, but the most surprising thing is that when rebooting I noticed that there was no more coil whine on my mainline version on ssd 😍 . on the other hand once I turn off and on the <clipped message>
[Discord] <dams0869> horrible coil whine comes back, does this come from the u-boot according to you? and if so is it possible to mix the u-boot vendor with the mainline version?
[Discord] <menu> if you think that's bad, try interfacing with a display that wants DDC/CI *and* CEC
[Discord] <beohoff3174> I don't know what any of these words mean, and I don't wanna find out either!
[Discord] <beohoff3174> That's a lie, I know what CEC is.
[Discord] <beohoff3174> How did you stumble into this mess?
[Discord] <menu> i accidentally ended up designing a hardware interface to do it because my MacBook only speaks DDC/CI, and my TVs only speak CEC
[Discord] <microlinux> I did experience something like that long time ago. It may be uboot. Just my guess. You can try ubuntu-rockchip by Joshua-Riek to compare.
[Discord] <johnthecoolingfan> Didn't get much time to work on this today, but found a few rockchip boards that use the same ethernet chip, although they don't use rk3566/rk3568. Still, would be useful for cross-reference
[Discord] <beohoff3174> Were you using a SBC to do it? Is the code posted anywhere?
[Discord] <beohoff3174> I feel like I'm learning that sandpaper is rough by running my hand across it repeatedly right now.
[Discord] <menu> nope, single chip discrete device, code isn't anything groundbreaking, just ESPHome - it still needs extending to support conversion, as with many of my projects, funding is an issue
[Discord] <dams0869> well, i installed vendor-uboot but it doesn't work, i still have coil whine 😦
[Discord] <microlinux> Maybe it's the voltage?
[Discord] <microlinux> Which voltage are you utilizing?
[Discord] <microlinux> Maybe a dummy 12v type c adapter will do a better job?
[Discord] <microlinux> I use one
[Discord] <microlinux> I meant an adapter bc most 12v psus are barrel jack