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<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> I can say it was not NVMe related as with that remove it still fails to boot. I am trying with an April 1 commit of the u-boot tree now.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> I tried the April 1 commit mentioned in the file and that didn't work either. I should know that nothing on April 1 is safe. I'm sure it's just me though... ๐Ÿคจ
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<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> Hmmm. In looking at this further this new u-boot seems quite different. It appears to require a different binary being written to mtd flash. And then the u-boot binary itself is written in a different location on the boot device. I did eventually build from both the Kwiboo and main u-boot repos with serial port properly enabled. I got messages from u-boot finally but it simply co <clipped message>
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> mplains about SCMI communications. Probably because of the wrong image still in MTD0. I need to ponder the risk of messing up my MTD0 loader.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> I know there is a way to recover it using some tools from Rockchip that run on Windows. I've never had to use those myself but I suppose if I botch something up I can recover it that way. I will sleep on this one before I take the big leap....
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <eronwolf> Totally new here so forgive me if this isn't the right protocol. I'm running Armbian on the pinebook pro. Got a really really bad kernal problem with jammy running `$ kbdrate`. Seems to be working now that I revereted to bookworm. Unforunately didn't save the output when jammy broke.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock> I was wondering which RGA revision is used from RK3588 or RK3568
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <lanefu> don't think you'll get an answer here for that.. something like that needs to be a forum post. but you'll need to reproduce it for there to be any analysis
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> Does anyone know if the new u-boot-rockchip-spi.bin (Edge u-boot mainline build) is backwards compatible to the Radxa u-boot still used by the vendor kernel builds?
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <amazingfate> Backwards compatible on what?
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> Backwards compatible such that the new SPI NOR image works on mainline/Kwiboo and Radxa version u-boots. I can confirm now that it does work on both u-boot versions as I just tested it. My failure to run the debian package on the Rock-5b to update the SPI NOR (MTD0) was the source of my boot failure with the Edge u-boot. I had to look in the u-boot installer package to see what t <clipped message>
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> he script was doing to understand my missing step.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <amazingfate> Here is the spi flash command for mainline uboot:
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> Yes. Thanks. I did find that eventually. I kept overlooking it when looking at the u-boot build process for the Edge build. That step prevents you from boot an Edge image on a system that never had the flashcp performed. The "legacy" SPINOR image is NOT compatible with the new u-boots it appears to me from my experience.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> I guess I should have said, lack of that step (flashcp).
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <amazingfate> I don't know if dd can do it.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> I don't see any reason an appropriate DD wouldn't work if the SPINOR drivers for Linux are there but I won't bother with that experiment. ๐Ÿ˜‰
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> In any case it seems to be a bit of a chicken and egg problem. You need to boot from a legacy SPINOR/u-boot. Do the flashcp (or just install the Edge u-boot package). Then you can boot using the new Edge u-boot.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> I was trying to do the Chicken first? ๐Ÿ˜‰
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <amazingfate> Is `mtd-utils` preinstalled?
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> Yes. It appears to be on this standard Edge image.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <amazingfate> You can extract `linux-u-boot-rock-5b-edge` package to get `u-boot-rockchip-spi.bin`, then use rockchip's tool to flash into spi flash in maskrom mode.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> Understood. Again my big lightbulb moment was realizing I needed to update the SPINOR before I could boot a fresh Edge image. Going from legacy/vendor straight to Edge without updating SPINOR via some means or another does not appear to be possible. The 2024 series u-boots will not boot using the legacy SPINOR loader.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> Most things look obvious in retrospect. This only took be a day to figure out. I've had stupider moments...
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> Most things look obvious in retrospect. This only took me a day to figure out. I've had stupider moments...
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <lanefu> flashcp for /dev/mtd0 but dd will work on /dev/mtdblock0 representation of the mtd device, but flashcp seems to be the ideal solution
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> Thanks. I'll keep that in mind for future Rock-5b boards I want to update. I'll play with the newer u-boot for a while on this boards to see how it works. I am curious about the pro/con of the 2024.04 u-boot vs the latest Radxa version. Newer isn't always shinier...
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <lanefu> If you're _just booting linux_ probably not much, but if you wanted to make a fancy custom uboot configuration you might want some of its features.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <lanefu> does raxda uboot support ethernet or usb?
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> Someone else may have a more definitive answer. From the code it looks like USB may be supported although I've never tested it. I don't know about Ethernet. I know the u-boot 2024.04 tries to support both but again can't say from personal experience. One of my projects is to try netbooting my Rock-5bs.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <lanefu> so yeah you can definetly do pxelinux netbooting on teh 2024.04, I dead-ended doing EFI style
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <lanefu> so yeah you can definetly do pxelinux netbooting on the uboot 2024.04, I dead-ended doing EFI style and punted to edk2
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <jonh7776> Thanks for the tip.
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