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<DC-IRC> [Discord] <therealmarcone> The rockpi4 image links for models A, B, C+ and SE on point to nonexistent pages. Is there some other place I can find those images?
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<DC-IRC> [Discord] <amazingfate>
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <mecoblock> looks like 5.10 BSP is being left behind one manufacturer after another
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <igorpec> links on dl page were fixes. there are too many different variants. hard to say all are supported if nobody is taking care of, so we have no choice but to provide community auto builds only. They might work just fine ...
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <igorpec> links on dl page were fixed to point towards community download. there are too many different variants. hard to say all are supported if nobody is taking care of, so we have no choice but to provide community auto builds only. They might work just fine ...
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <hacker31_b> I am working with MALI450 GPU on rk3328 SoC with kernel 4.4 and rk_so_ver of GPU kernel driver is 5. I am trying to find its userspace driver ( to run glmark2 using the GPU.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <hacker31_b> Any idea from where can I get this?
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <Tonymac32> I run only mainline kernels, so unfortunately I'm no help for this one
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <igorpec> isn't mali supported with open source driver perfectly by now?
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <igorpec> on rk3328
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <Tonymac32> should be
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <monkablyat>
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <monkablyat> yes
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <Tonymac32> and the venc/vdec should also work if I remember correctly. There's almost no reason to use a vendor kernel except for the RAM devfreq driver. We have it hacked into our kernels, but it is questionable with each newer kernel as time moves forward
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <therealmarcone> Is there any practical difference between the community images from the Armbian github and the non-community images linked from Like in terms of kernel config, installed packages, etc? Or are they all built the same?
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <igorpec> No diff, only different sub branding.
<DC-IRC> [Discord] <igorpec> show links from community or official same way. Its common json db for all