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<Armbian-Discord> <b​ret> I want all the time I've spent trying to test hwaccel decoding on this damn coolpi 4b (rk3588s) back 🥲
<Armbian-Discord> <a​mazingfate> this ppa will save your time
<Armbian-Discord> <b​ret> I actually already tried that and now ffmpeg just segfaults when I try to do the same tests I did on the repo installed version. Though both with that and the old version of ffmpeg, mpv would play an 8k24fps file using rkmmp just fine
<Armbian-Discord> <b​ret> Perhaps I'm doing something wrong, it's very late and I've been context switching too much this evening 😅 Am I supposed to be seeing rkmmp in the available hwaccel methods with ffmpeg -hwaccels after completing the above? It's also possible that this image they provided is beyond questionable but ah well. To the back of the list it goes