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<Armbian-Discord> </​dev/null> I have some trouble with external hard drives on my RockPi4 running armbian. It all startet with S.M.A.R.T not working using the UAS driver. I read online to disable the UAS driver by adding the device identifier (lsusb id) to the armbianEnv.txt under usbstoragequirks, which worked for getting the smart to run. However now the Kernel boot gets stuck at "Begin Initializing Essential Drivers ..." if the
<Armbian-Discord> drive is plugged in. Disconnecting the driver and connecting again after this step will work. I tried removing the device id again but it keeps reappearing in the file. What is going on here? Also, has anyone figured out a way to get external drives working properly from boot? It seems like Im not the only one having trouble with Seagate external drives...
<Armbian-Discord> </​dev/null> dont bother, problem is solved. It was the power consumption of the drive