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<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> Neat
<Armbian-Discord> <W​arroza> Hello. 🙂 I just tuned the HD96Max RK3328 which I bought which very bargain for a penny to Armbian_22.05.0-trunk_Rk3318-box_bullseye_current_5.15.35_minimal.img prepared by @jock from the forum. Thanks for job. Now I have a question. Are there any turtiorials how to prepare yourself a system similar to LibreElec or CoreElec with Kodi running on autostart? I am also interested in how to prepare the
<Armbian-Discord> system only for Internet browsing under Firefox. I know that for Chromium it is workable without desktop, but I need for FireFox. What minimum things I need to install to fire FireFox from autostart like a kiosk.
<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> what is wrong with forum?
<Armbian-Discord> <r​andomlogic78> Hello all, I'm looking for a decent reference for using libgpiod on the 4B Plus. I haven't found a lot of information on the forums, and my google foo is failing me. Anyone have a good link that's up to date
<Armbian-Discord> <l​anefu> you won't find anything specifc to 4B plus, but libgpiod is all the same
<Armbian-Discord> <W​arroza> ok. I check it.
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