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<Armbian-Discord> <Z​anoryt> I've been watching the Rock5 thread and the situation unfold for a while. The fact that RADXA doesn't take responsibility for ensuring their board has kernel support is honestly disappointing (though I'm not surprised at all). I've seen hardware manufacturers do this time and time again, and it is quite frustrating.
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> They want to release a board and not wait 3 years for the kernel to catch up. Really this is Rockchip's problem for simply gluing maintenance patches onto kernel 3.14 for a decade and calling it 5.10 while keeping all their antique subsystems/drivers
<montjoie_> where is this rock5 thread ?
montjoie_ is now known as montjoie
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> The Radxa one in their forum
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