whitequark[cis] changed the topic of #amaranth-lang to: Amaranth hardware definition language · weekly meetings: Amaranth each Mon 1700 UTC, Amaranth SoC each Fri 1700 UTC · code https://github.com/amaranth-lang · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/amaranth-lang · Matrix #amaranth-lang:matrix.org
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<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] whitequark opened pull request #1090: Fix toolchain environment variable check - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1090
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<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] codecov[bot] commented on pull request #1090: Fix toolchain environment variable check - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1090#issuecomment-1933399449
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<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] whitequark commented on issue #1089: Build fails due to missing attribute - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/issues/1089#issuecomment-1933405024
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<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] cr1901 commented on pull request #1090: Fix toolchain environment variable check - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1090#issuecomment-1933574907
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<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth] daniestevez opened pull request #1091: xilinx: use FDPE instances to implement get_async_ff_sync() - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1091
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth] codecov[bot] commented on pull request #1091: xilinx: use FDPE instances to implement get_async_ff_sync() - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1091#issuecomment-1933857484
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] whitequark commented on pull request #1091: xilinx: use FDPE instances to implement get_async_ff_sync() - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1091#issuecomment-1933861053
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth] whitequark reviewed pull request #1091 commit - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1091#discussion_r1482804164
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth] daniestevez reviewed pull request #1091 commit - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1091#discussion_r1482805704
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth] whitequark reviewed pull request #1091 commit - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1091#discussion_r1482809279
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] whitequark reviewed pull request #1091 commit - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1091#discussion_r1482809668
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth] daniestevez reviewed pull request #1091 commit - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1091#discussion_r1482811854
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] daniestevez reviewed pull request #1091 commit - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1091#discussion_r1482816028
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth] github-merge-queue[bot] created branch gh-readonly-queue/main/pr-1091-9e75962c352bc73f4b848acc8d3f5e8c5ed6d02f - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth-lang/amaranth] github-merge-queue[bot] pushed 1 commit to main [+0/-0/±1] https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/compare/9e75962c352b...d8f70be4d989
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth-lang/amaranth] daniestevez d8f70be - xilinx: use FDPE instances to implement get_async_ff_sync()
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] whitequark closed pull request #1091: xilinx: use FDPE instances to implement get_async_ff_sync() - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1091
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] whitequark closed issue #721: ResetSynchronizer does not work properly with Vivado - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/issues/721
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] github-merge-queue[bot] deleted branch gh-readonly-queue/main/pr-1091-9e75962c352bc73f4b848acc8d3f5e8c5ed6d02f - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark pushed 1 commit to main [+0/-0/±34] https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io/compare/af75f8ec762b...5af3fb091408
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] github-merge-queue[bot] 5af3fb0 - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/amaranth@d8f70be4d9892c3feb838a1bb4e4d528300dfbed 🚀
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] github-merge-queue[bot] created branch gh-readonly-queue/main/pr-1090-d8f70be4d9892c3feb838a1bb4e4d528300dfbed - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth-lang/amaranth] whitequark 78b90fb - build.plat,vendor: fix toolchain environment variable check.
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth-lang/amaranth] github-merge-queue[bot] pushed 1 commit to main [+0/-0/±7] https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/compare/d8f70be4d989...78b90fbafafc
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] whitequark closed pull request #1090: Fix toolchain environment variable check - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1090
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] whitequark closed issue #1089: Build fails due to missing attribute - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/issues/1089
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] github-merge-queue[bot] deleted branch gh-readonly-queue/main/pr-1090-d8f70be4d9892c3feb838a1bb4e4d528300dfbed - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark pushed 1 commit to main [+0/-0/±38] https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io/compare/5af3fb091408...6aa79d71d898
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] github-merge-queue[bot] 6aa79d7 - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/amaranth@78b90fbafafc176dbcc52858ae5b1b15bdeb1fe2 🚀
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<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] whitequark opened pull request #1092: Track member source locations in `lib.wiring` - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1092
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] whitequark edited pull request #1092: Track member source locations in `lib.wiring` - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1092
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth] codecov[bot] commented on pull request #1092: Track member source locations in `lib.wiring` - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1092#issuecomment-1934084520
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<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth-soc] jfng edited pull request #40: Implement RFC 16 (CSR register API) - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth-soc/pull/40
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth-soc] jfng commented on pull request #40: Implement RFC 16 (CSR register API) - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth-soc/pull/40#issuecomment-1934371913
<Wanda[cis]> I think https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/issues/1082 can be closed now
<Wanda[cis]> hm, or not; presumably we need to track the deprecated stuff somewhere?
<whitequark[cis]> that's what the tracking issues are for
<whitequark[cis]> also, I guess we need to un-deprecate add_process and deprecate add_sync_process now
<whitequark[cis]> I suppose I can write that RFC
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<vegard_e[m]> not folding that into RFC 36?
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth] github-merge-queue[bot] created branch gh-readonly-queue/main/pr-1092-78b90fbafafc176dbcc52858ae5b1b15bdeb1fe2 - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth
<whitequark[cis]> well, RFC 36 could take a while, and I'd hate everyone to rewrite their testbenches only to discover they have to undo half the changes now
<zyp[m]> fair point
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth-lang/amaranth] whitequark ace7aea - lib.wiring: track member source locations.
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth-lang/amaranth] github-merge-queue[bot] pushed 1 commit to main [+0/-0/±1] https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/compare/78b90fbafafc...ace7aea375f0
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth] whitequark closed pull request #1092: Track member source locations in `lib.wiring` - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1092
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] whitequark closed issue #1085: Source locations for component members created from annotations are wrong - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/issues/1085
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] github-merge-queue[bot] deleted branch gh-readonly-queue/main/pr-1092-78b90fbafafc176dbcc52858ae5b1b15bdeb1fe2 - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] github-merge-queue[bot] b6fe01c - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/amaranth@ace7aea375f0abea88a16c01ce86139c03dbdbef 🚀
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark pushed 1 commit to main [+0/-0/±35] https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io/compare/6aa79d71d898...b6fe01c63f4d
<Wanda[cis]> Catherine: I'll write an implementation then
<Wanda[cis]> the RFC is just "undeprecate add_process, deprecate add_sync_process", right?
<Wanda[cis]> the nice part is that we can kill my combustible warning code, since Settle/Delay/Tick within sync process is not any more deprecated than add_sync_process itself
<whitequark[cis]> thanks
<Wanda[cis]> what's the RFC title and filename going to be?
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth-soc] whitequark reviewed pull request #40 commit - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth-soc/pull/40#discussion_r1483295654
<whitequark[cis]> I haven't started yet >.>
<whitequark[cis]> want to write the RFC too?
<Wanda[cis]> not really
<Wanda[cis]> (I don't feel I followed all the rationale closely enough)
<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth] wanda-phi opened pull request #1093: Implement RFC 47: TBD. - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1093
<Wanda[cis]> actually
<whitequark[cis]> I feel like allocating the number may be a little premature >.>
<Wanda[cis]> are we sure we want to make an RFC, and not just vote on amending RFC 27 on monday?
<whitequark[cis]> yeah we could do that instead
<whitequark[cis]> good point
<Wanda[cis]> whitequark[cis]: ... perhaps, I tend to do it a lot
<Wanda[cis]> saves a push --force
<Wanda[cis]> as we know, nothing bad ever came of speculative execution
<_whitenotifier-5> [amaranth] codecov[bot] commented on pull request #1093: Implement RFC 47: TBD. - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1093#issuecomment-1934556796
<_whitenotifier-7> [rfcs] whitequark opened pull request #47: RFC #27: Amend to deprecate `add_sync_process` rather than `add_process` - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/rfcs/pull/47
<whitequark[cis]> all right, here's your number 47
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<_whitenotifier-7> [amaranth] wanda-phi edited pull request #1093: Implement RFC 27 amendment: deprecate `add_sync_process`, not `add_process`. - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/1093
<tpw_rules> is it appropriate to leave some comments about docstrings as a review on https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth-soc/pull/40 ?
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<tpw_rules> is the icestorm stuff on pypi?
<tpw_rules> yes
<tpw_rules> i guess it's not possible to make iceprog work in there
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