so if I understand well, CertusPro-NX has a hardblock PCIe 4x gen3 , but, you need to buy the license 6k USD (mouser) :/
what's next ? pay for the DSP and the BRAM ?
... I mean, with all the software-limitted FPGAs out there, you already do
that and the LUTs, even
well it was a good replacement for the xilinx, 28nm, smaller package ...
could make some M2 form factor pcie gen3 4x
to me it sounds like buying a computer, but the seller tells you that you need to pay a license if you want to use the USB ports :)
unless, they have a special license themself with Synopsys, where they do some kind of revenue sharing: "the block is in the fpga but we pay you only if customer needs it"
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<key2> "to me it sounds like buying a..." <- intel does this
there are hardware blocks in the newer CPUs that require additional activation. something about video decoding, i don't exactly recall
and of course it's prevalent everywhere else. Teslas, for example
even Raspberry Pi has this
<Darius> bloody Broadcomm..
it's actually "bloody MPEG-LA"
broadcom could have easily made all the ICs two bucks more expensive
<Darius> but muh shareholder dividends 🙄
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key2: I think the license is only for the wrapper and wizard, not to instantiate the underlying hard block and setting all the parameters on it yourself
but do beware that officially the CertusPro NX devices do need a Radiant license to make non-trial bitstreams that don't timeout after like a few hours regardless of what blocks you use
.. trial bitstream?
is that... serious?
That's not a good look ._.
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radian licence is one thing
licence for hard block is another, but yes I get your point